Sexism, Racism, and the Irony of Safe Spaces

in #philosophy7 years ago


Anyone that has been reading my posts for a while will probably be aware that I rarely officially associate with anyone or anything and as a general rule I avoid putting myself or others into boxes. I've also written about healthy boundaries and today I'll try to relate the two as I see them. The first question I encounter when I go down this rabbit hole is "Why do we even need boxes and labels for people?" I'll answer that question from my perspective and my thoughts about the behavior as well.

The answer that I come to is simple, we don't need to label others or put people in boxes. We should be focusing on our own selves and being an example for change and harmony. I see the behavior of labeling as placing expectations or assumptions on others. It's also why I'm very slow to ever officially associate with any groups or organizations. Surprises don't bother me and I tend to accept them as part of life, but it's important to be careful who we associate ourselves with as the general nature of groups and organizations is in some way labeling ourselves. It's important to remember that the world is a very gray place and to make sure that we are not misrepresenting our own beliefs and ideals for the sake of convenience. Black and white thinking is one of the most segregating and non-peaceful mindsets we could have.

If we start off focusing on our similarities and not building from a place of differences it's much easier to find common ground. I would venture so far as to say that not every person in the KKK is racist, but the heritage and divisive history of the organization is based in and rooted in hate and racism. It's not the only organization that started with "good intentions" that turned into something else entirely, and to be clear, I say good intentions because from the perspective of the founders they were trying to protect their own perspective of the world they wanted to see. I see no difference in the KKK and the Black Panthers or any other group trying to push one side of an argument by focusing on part of the issues. These groups are reactionary and always see some other group or "type of people" as the cause of their problems. I don't agree with any of them.

My general philosophy is to look at all people as human beings first and then work towards common ground. Focusing on past transgressions and blame is a negative pattern that leads to more hate and bigotry. This goes for racism, sexism, and pretty much any other "ism" we could discuss. Segregation and safe spaces are going to always turn into echo chambers for victim mentality and blame because they offer very little in the way of differing perspectives. If we all take the time to look within ourselves and work through our own guilt and anger and stop looking for other's to blame, it becomes clear that the only person that is ever going to change anything in our own lives is ourselves. Namaste.

Image source.


Im just finishing a rant of sorts about this topic. My conclusion is that since technically humans don’t really have a predator, we are wiping away a lot of diseases that would normally turn on our population and technology is forcing our brains to evolve quicker than what design to you, we’re sort of on the brink of either a super job or Idiocracy, I’m not sure which LOL I do think that you’re right though, ultimately we are responsible for our own lives and our own fate.

Allowing people are safe Haven, I do not think though, as a bad thing. When things are allowed to get as bad as they have in regards to domestic violence and issues with people to racism. If we stood up and we fought for things in the first place then they might not get that bad and a safe haven might not be needed. But when you was a culture has been broken down and are you doing is reading hatred because as a culture you don’t know any better, sometimes a break is needed. I think that segregation definitely can lead to a victim mentality. At the same time if we were managing ourselves better, if we had an idea as individuals as well as a culture but our morals were and where are boundaries where we could work together, and we could potential he make a change. Personally I think that when it comes down to it if you’re reacting in any other way other than out of love or apathy then you’re not gonna get results that you want. And of story, because anything else is basically giving your power away. I don’t know, I’m not saying this for anybody else hear about my personal goal, I guess? My personal goal, Is to affect the macrocosm only so much I have to. It’s sort of the same philosophy is when you go to the beach and you pack it in and back out. The less imprint that you can leave psychologically allows for more room spiritually and logically. Do no harm but take no shit. That’s my mantra. I have a faith that humanity can definitely get to a point where we can cut exist and most of our race could live in comfort, but I can tell there is a huge wipe I have no idea how to get from the shit show that we live in now to somewhere that’s halfway decent for even half of us. I guess that’s why my post Was kind of Randy in my mind. That and I think it’s like 2500 word so I probably should split it up. I don’t know what I’m gonna do yet. We’ll see :-) I do you always like seeing your perspective so thank you for sharing and love and light

I just try to raise self awareness and show others that the blame game leads in circles and gets us nowhere. Hopefully the world at large wakes up that fact one day. Thanks for sharing and I'll check out your post when it goes up.

I think you've delved into a very important topic, and one that so many distort before they even sit and ponder it. Loved hearing your perspective.

Thanks for reading and hopefully the world isn't always like this.

I think that all is not lost just yet... time for the masses to get their heads out their asses though...

I really liked your opinion when it came to viewing others @clayboyn!

People are put below others, or on pedestals but that is the secret, everybody is a person, so treat them like one c: I am also very slow to associate or involve myself with others, I don't adopt similar viewpoints sometimes, but being myself is important.

Steemit taught me a lot about common ground and relating to others. Everyone here is super different, but by finding things that we share, we can come to understandings.

With love,

Steemit is def an interesting beast.

I agree with you on this, and I think you have a great way to look at people. They are first of all: people. Labels and naming is not my thing either. I always like to give people a chance to show who they are and I always try not to judge. Great and important post, a reminder that we need to be more open to our surroundings:-)

It's important to be aware and show respect to those that respect us as well.

ok i got your point. we should respect to one another

Very true, we give respect and usually we get respect in return. If we don't then we can move on.

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