Oriental literature in the antiquity // Egypt // Analysis

in #philosophy6 years ago

Source of image of pixabay

Greeting hoped, that everything should find good, this is my first publication, inside my perspective, which it distinguishes in the history to every culture it is his philosophy, as base of the knowledge, and the way of seeing the reality as the criterion of each of them, that owes, that the philosophy forges the knowledge, then it is bases it as society, this way creating his culture that makes her original, but of to see a legacy and this legacy of every culture immortalizes it in the writing, which will always keep his essence alive.

The most ancient texts, of the oriental literature it him belongs to Egypt and to Mesopotamia, where it moves to come up of the millenium the IInd a.c.. Them first declarations of the Sanskrit literature of the indies it must be dated concerning 2000 B.C., follows him in antiquity the Hebrews, which they date probably of the XIIIth century B.C., because inside the XIIth and Xth centuries B.C., one places the beginning of the literature China, in the general thing, the texts of ancient these literature oriental have come up to us proceeding from epochs very later to his writing and also this one was, for the common of collective character of way staggered throughout the centuries.


The literary production of the ancient Egypt, written in papyrus and with ideographical characters, does not manage to be deciphered until the beginning of the XIXth century, considering the importance, which the Egyptians were granting to the life of ultragrave, a big part of the literary production consists of funeral texts of character, as the texts of the pyramids of the ancient empire, the texts of the sarcofagi of the average empire and the books of the dead persons of new empire of this chronology. There survive also some works of didactic character, moral compilations of prescripts and maxim dated concerning the millenium the IIIrd B.C., like the dialogue of the desperado of 2300 B.C.

The genre most cultivated in the ancient Egypt was the story, both fictitious and historical, emphasizes the history of Sinué, who narrates the flight to Syria of the hero, relative of the murdered Pharaoh, before the love of turning out to be involved in the conspiracy. Gathered by a few Bedouins, Sinué becomes a boss of the tribe and enjoys big prestige, until the old age sits nostalgia of his homeland and returns to Egypt.

As for The poetical genre, the compositions turn concerning three thematic nuclei: gods, kings and the love, there is necessary to stake the religious anthems of Amenofis IV, the Pharaoh reformer, who them composed in honor of the only god, the anthem to the Nile, poem that sings the exhilaration of the nature before the benefits effects of the rise of the river and the singings of love, gathered during the new empire.

The fascinating of the Egyptian culture, thanks for his writing, you know the knowledge of the mummification, art, strategy of war, devotion to the gods of his culture, contribution of some indications of the medicine, to freightage of engineering, on agriculture, it is a big scale of contribution, as legacy captured thanks to the writing, so much it is the case, that this culture his type of writing served as base of basing, what today we know hieroglyphic, to be able to understand the language written in the antiquity. From the beginning, Egypt was isolated of the world, thanks for his writing or text it contributes us that his people were considered to be excellently, condition that he was denying to the foreigners and his country was the ground, the Nile is his natural wealth that they appear in all his texts and murals, which was allowing him, with his annual rise, a flourishing agriculture, also they showed us the economy of his country slave did not need labour, it was thought for other applications, more that they do not need a myth to explain natural terrifying phenomena, only they were representing the animal order as the hawk, the jackal, the crocodile, were handling a philosophical position in the one that to leave of the norms, was to be condemned, it is for it to look for the balance in divine attributes and they were a part of the hybrid anatomy animal man of a lot of gods, like the sun was being the declaration of the god Ra, as the creator, whose temple is in Heliópolis, but the dedication, that reached more relevancy was that of Amón Ra.

Is but that it is of his taste, in the following post I will continue with the contribution, to the writing of the culture of Mesopotamia.


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