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RE: The Only Way to Be You

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

My friend, if you truly believed the words you are saying you would not be saying any words.

I don't believe anything I am saying, thinking or doing. It is all meaningless but appears to happen anyways.

It is not, in my opinion, accurate to say that something that is imaginary is without meaning, purpose or power.

The imagination has power to create meaning & purpose in the mind but everything it creates is actually just a group of successive thoughts being experienced and ALWAYS results in an equal amount of hardship, suffering and destruction when the illusions that people cherish are ultimately destroyed.

The thought that leads one to make a better choice is a valuable thought. Even the thought that leads one to make a poor choice has value in its potential to be perceived as a lesson in retrospect.

The "best" thing that can be gained from thoughts is the understanding that all thoughts are meaningless and hold no power.

The people who do not realize this are imprisoned by their mind.

It seems a common idea you express in your comments is one that seems to emanate from Eastern philosophies, and that speaks towards the overcoming if not complete eradication of the ego. Can I ask you what do you think you would be left with, when you no longer have an ego?


What do you think the average day would look like for you if you manage to completely, and permanently, transcend your ego?

It wouldn't matter what it "looks" like since looks and appearances are meaningless.


It wouldn't matter what it "looks" like since looks and appearances are meaningless.

I think you're being pedantic for the purposes of avoiding the question, which I think is clear. But, to reword it;

Should you manage to completely overcome your ego, what do you think the average day would consist of for you (or if you prefer - for the body you are currently inhabiting), meaning how would the time be spent? What is the role of one who has become nothing in this world?

The role of someone who has realized they are nothing is to let the mind think, let the body move, let the mouth speak but to see it all as meaningless, empty and void with no value, worth, strength, cause or significance.

This is the "truth" that sets people free from their mind, bondage, suffering & hardship.

The cost of nothing is everything.. and nothing is free from suffering.

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