Getting philosophical with a sarnie...

in #philosophy6 years ago


Life can feel like a sandwich sometimes, often stuck between 2 pieces of ordinary bread is you the divine filling. Life can seem pretty bland, the job you do, the same old routine and you are that something special and you are just watching that time tick away....

What would happen if everyone quit their day job tomorrow and decided its time to focus on my divine calling and my godly gifts and put them to good practice and not to some cooperate giants. Well those 2 old plain piece of bread would not be needed and all you would have is the delicious filling and lots of it.

Haha you might be thinking why not the BREAD? it does hold it all together... The monthly pay check, the social secruity, pension and all of that cushion stuff. And that is exactly it, the bread is a cushion that makes life predictable and keeps you locked in. Once we realize the bread really doesn't give us that much nutrional value (soul food) and is just a filler that makes us feel more secure and can often cause us more harm than good but we think we need it because we've been programmed too and instead we should be trusting and working together with other people and their divine filling instead of endlessing working for the 2 slices of bread because damn this sandwich would taste pretty crappy if the filling wasn't there.

So here I am it's Monday, I have no job but Im with nature and everyday working on that divine filling because after all I'm here to live my dream and not somebody else's.

And yum this sarnie is darn good! The filling:

°brown lentils
°Chía egg

Ground into paste and shaped into little burgettes 😋

Happy Monday ✌️


oh yum.. it is all about the filling really.. the thicker that sarnie the better.. ;-) I dont think ive Ever eaten one without some crisps stuffed in there too.. ;-)

I know I really love the crunch of the crisps in side the sarnie that's the Creme de la Creme :)

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