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RE: A question about flat earth.

in #philosophy7 years ago

That doesn't make much sense to me. The world is really big so how would you know you were flying/sailing "around" it when you could just be traveling in a circle.

Flying in a plane or sailing in a boat from destination to destination is not solid proof that Earth is globe.

Compasses point North on both style of Earth.

I realize I said "magnets point North" in the first message. I meant to say compasses point North. And since North would be in the center of the map, traveling east/west would not proof Earth to be flat or a globe.


So you're saying you think it's possible that all these people who have flown around the world numerous times were just confused and lost and didn't realize there was a much bigger world out there? Am I reading that right?

Traveling in a circle IS Traveling around it. God damn, how hard is this for you people understand. It's ALWAYS A CIRCLE, whether it's flat or globe.

I think what apolymask means is, going in a straight line and ending up back where you started. That is going around the world

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