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RE: Black Magic and Magickal Ethics [Dabbing with a Mage episode 117]

in #philosophy6 years ago

You don't think it's objectively wrong to intentionally cause harm to another person who has not initiated harm against anyone else?


That is correct, I do not believe it is objectively wrong to intentionally cause harm to an innocent body. I do find it subjectively wrong, but who are we to say what the greater scheme is? A great metaphor was once given to me by an acquaintance, they likened the universe to geometrical shapes. For instance, say that this plane we inhabit is a cube, and that each action we as a whole universe makes leads to the geometry of the shape which encompasses us. Each action is going to mold that geometry, but how can we ever know which actions are going to create new facets, or obliterate angles? How can we know that the creating of new angles is better than the destruction of old ones? All we can ever know is that which we relate to our subjective understanding of reality, our perceptual filters developed through interaction with self and reality, and self with self. Objectivity, if it exists, is ever unknowable to a subjective mind. Just as God can never be truly experienced or known with a human mind, objectivity is equally out of our grasp.

Is it objectively true that gravity exists?

Gravity exists as we know it through our perception of it and the devices we use to measure such, which were designed by our subjective mind. Have you read Plato's theory of forms?

Though our understanding of gravity is limited by our perception, wouldn't you say there is something behind it which is objectively true?

I have not read Theory of Forms. Willing to summarize the relevant ideas?

I personally am hard pressed to say there is an objective reality, solipsism took its toll on my mind, heh.

However, Plato's Theory of Forms is an argument which states that all things have an objective nature, the forms, which cast a shadow upon reality giving definition to our experience through subjective lenses. The objective form of any one thing is unknowable by any subjective observer.

Are you familiar with Mark Passio's work? He covers solipsism in the first woodside of his podcast at

To summarize his view, solipsism is a sin for dark occultists but they actively spread it in the population because it makes people easy to control.

I am unfamiliar with his work; however, I would have to disagree on his view.

For myself personally, I have physically experienced solipsism and it showed me I was in control of my reality. I am unsure how an individual who believes their mind is the only true mind, even questioning their own existence, can lead to an individual who is easily manipulated. Would you care to expound?

If truth is objective then it is advantageous to know what is true, and one who believes that truth is subjective forfeits that advantage. A power differential is created, and those willing to harm others for their own gain will target the vulnerable solipsists (which is most people).

The specific methodologies used is too big of a topic to discuss here, for there are many and they are complex. I recommend checking out Mark Passio's work to learn more. His first episode discusses solipsism:

The power differential is the core of the answer to your question.

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