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RE: Philosophy of Use: Embracing the Monster

in #philosophy6 years ago

Wow, you're raising some really interesting points here. Yes, I think you're right that it might be good to illuminate these fears, and face them with firmness and lightness. I hadn't thought about it before, because a "bad trip" is something I've always resisted, and worked to overcome by focusing my attention on the more desirable side of life–the pleasant thoughts. To be honest, I had a major breakthrough one time with a certain sacred plant medicine, when I visualized and felt the extremes of many many angles of my suffering, and in the end I was able to let go, allowing my ego to dissolve... and there was major emotional freedom in this. Similarly, the dragon seems to be misunderstood in the Spirit realm. We often see the dragon as a terrible monster, and yet there's the possibility that these dragons might be the ultimate defenders, and luck-bringers. I really admire your philosophy, and the conversations you can start with this. Thanks.


Thank you.

Bad trips really aren't fun but they can be helpful. That being said it is also good to have some methods for moving away from that mind set like you talk about doing. It usually only takes little things like changing the music or (for me anyway) drinking soda always seems to distract from what was bothering me (I think it is something to do with the bubbles). Sometimes, though you just have to face it head on and deal with it then and there.

Interesting idea to drink a soda. Yes, I bet that would help bring you out of a spell. Drinking water is a good idea too. And yeah, changing the music is smart. Changing the scene in general is a good idea, in my experience. In my circles, we often suggest people focus on a source of Light, like the Holy Cross, or a pleasant memory. I personally rely on a breathing technique called the "Eagle Cry Whistle," which is a swift release of air that subtly sounds like an eagle cry, and heightens the senses in the present moment.

I never thought to use breathing. I wrote a little thing a month or two ago about dealing with being too high. It is more focused on eating too much cannabis but most of it applies to psychedelics pretty well.

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