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RE: You can do anything, as long as you don't get caught

I used to be a good law-abiding citizen.
I thought of people that didn't follow the law as bad.

But, that was before i knew the law.
The law actually states: "you can do anything, as long as you don't get caught".

The actual law states that you are guilty, and the state can punish you at any time of its choosing. No, this is me being pedantic, this is actual, factual, boots on the ground fact. People went to the gulags, most never having wilfully harmed anyone else.

I wish law was taught in school.
There would be a revolution before breakfast.


Yeah, statism can get pretty crazy, history and the present shows that :/

The State has no obligation to inform you of the law (and it is not in its interest to do so) are presumed to know the law under the maxim “ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

It’s the same reason we are never taught about money or it’s origin...

Yep. And for this very reason, the govern-cement should be punished.
But, that does very little good, as the actual govern-cement will just throw up some scape goats to be slaughtered and continue on, business as usual.

I like that we are heading towards transparency.
Basically, it will be in a database open to the public, or the public will make a block-chain database, and the govern-cements will be SOL

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