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RE: Malevolence and Benevolence... We are the tool makers... (echo echo echo)

Yes, you and I would call it denial.

I agree with you, however, the masses have been indoctrinated.
Even you (and me). I bet if I talked to you for a while I would find a logic loop that is similar to what I outlined.

When you are told that things are a certain way all of your life, you tend to believe them.
Especially if no on comes along to challenge that belief.
In MSM news, its always the guns (because they want to ban guns) everything is about the gun, even if there was no gun involved.

So, if you believe the programming from kindergarten that people are inherently good, then it is only a small step to guns are bad, and the cause of the problem.

And most people I talk to who do not believe the lie that "people are inherently good" usually have not taken it to its true conclusion that there are evil people out there plotting evil and destroying people's lives. (including the lives of their own children)

And those that believe in evil people usually haven't gone far enough and seen that it is the collective responses that actually shape our govern-cement and our lives.


You should read my last few posts. :) I am awake as well.

I think you hit the nail on the head with this post, in any number of situations their belief will be challenged when the evil tools are necessary and the only option for stopping evil and therefore good.

And most people I talk to who do not believe the lie that "people are inherently good" usually have not taken it to its true conclusion that there are evil people out there plotting evil and destroying people's lives. (including the lives of their own children)

It's not a true conclusion because there is another option, that there are people out there capable of evil and good, and not necessarily purely evil. Their conclusion could very well be that there aren't purely evil people like there aren't purely good people, but degrees.

Also, the people that are plotting evil and destroying people's lives might be doing that completely indirectly, which is not the same as actively seeking evil and actively destroying people's lives simply to destroy people's lives, but merely the consequences of their indifference.

And this is what I mean. You do not believe in evil, and are prevaricating around the bush as much as possible to avoid the subject.

Pizzagate is nothing.

What narcissist do, and have done, is destroy life. Some have actually made zombies. Yes, the person lives, but they are incapable of action on their own. EVIL.

A person who has a conscience can't do this. They have to be heavily propagandised (those evil nazis) and still they can't go as far.

And this is nothing, read some books on what narcissists have done to their children. Emotional abuse that almost everyone I talk to about it does their best to change the subject and continue to ignore the possibility that it exists.

You do not believe in evil, and are prevaricating around the bush as much as possible to avoid the subject.

I don't believe in evil? So exactly where did I say what I believe or which statement that I made expresses or implies that notion?

A person with conscience can still do evil, as you argued, albeit unintended or even tricked or coerced or threatened into it, a person can be compromised in numerous ways, and a person without conscience is a fiction, every person has varying degrees of evil and indifference and varying degrees of altruism, empathy and compassion, and their inner self can be both evil and good and their actions being justified by their inner self is inconsequential either way.

Here is the definition of conscience, it has nothing to do with altruism, empathy or compassion, but all with the inner guide or feeling which I don't see how you can exclude that from what constitutes being a person.

noun: conscience; plural noun: consciences
an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.

They have to be heavily propagandised (those evil nazis) and still they can't go as far.

You just argued that they cannot do that and turned around and declared that they simply can't go as far.

And this is nothing, read some books on what narcissists have done to their children. Emotional abuse that almost everyone I talk to about it does their best to change the subject and continue to ignore the possibility that it exists.

What's your argument here? That people are capable of some evil acts?
We can agree on that, but I said that, and I repeat:

.. there are people out there capable of evil and good, and not necessarily purely evil. Their conclusion could very well be that there aren't purely evil people like there aren't purely good people, but degrees.

Emotional abuse that almost everyone I talk to about it does their best to change the subject and continue to ignore the possibility that it exists.

Why are they ignoring the possibility that it exist simply because they don't engage the discussion in that direction, have they expressed that outright to you, because I doubt that very much otherwise you would have not implied it and instead said, simply, that they don't believe that it's possible, that it doesn't exist.

What narcissist do, and have done, is destroy life. Some have actually made zombies. Yes, the person lives, but they are incapable of action on their own. EVIL.

noun: narcissist; plural noun: narcissists
a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.

So clearly there is nothing expressively evil about that but you went from acts to stereotypes. The stereotype fallacy because narcissists can do evil, but clearly even people with good intentions and who are altruistic and motivated by compassion and empathy are susceptible to being indifferent, which in certain situations is evil.

And those that believe in evil people usually haven't gone far enough and seen that it is the collective responses that actually shape our govern-cement and our lives.

The collective response shaping our govern-cement and our lives is another fallacy because you argue that the mass is responsible for the actions of the few elected, and the actions of the individual when it's the individuals themselves that are responsible for their own actions while the mass is to blame, it shifts the blame from the individual to the collective which is unaccountable, faceless and unchangeable.

I am not going to respond to @baah.

He is convinced that people cannot be evil.
Or he is a paid shill. Either way, any discussion is futile.
Maybe I will write a 10 post article going into this, but the information is already out there. (ask if you really want it)

The definitions that Baah quoted in his replies, I do not agree with.
They are definitions written by narcissists / psychopaths.
They even got psychopath removed from the DSM.

To get a definition of psychopath, that I would use, watch Thomas Sheridan videos. He goes into great depth about them.

There are literally people out there that can rape and kill a child, and then go home and sleep like a baby. They have no empathy for others.

And then there is the narcissists who destroy their children and all around them. Instead of the mother being the one to give emotions, she demands her children to emotionally satisfy her. Imagine living your life knowing that you were not good enough for your mother, and therefor not good enough for the world. (father narcissist dynamic is different, not going to give example) The narcissist mother will work children off against each other. Called the black sheep and the golden child. The golden child can do no wrong, and the black sheep can do no right. Imagine what that does to ones psyche? And the mother does this knowingly, spending a great deal of time planning how to control the people in her environment to get her narcissistic supply.


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