Philosophy Of The Rice

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


Rice crops are a classic example always given by parents to their children and teachers to their students. Because rice is a plant that contains many lessons.

When considered in more depth, true of our rice can be a lesson. There are three philosophies we can ponder and we take lessons. These are the three philosophies of rice;

I. Increasingly Containing Then Ducking


Degradation of rice can we analogy as an attitude of submission to God. When he gets pleasure then he will be grateful and realize that it is all the virtue that comes from God. On the contrary, when he is overwritten the problem he will surrender and restrain. That all events come from God and will return to him. All of that is humbly responded without any pride and disdain for others.

Humility is different from inferiority. Humble shows the attitude of tawadhu, while low self is negative which shows the weakness of one's self.

A humble person will not want to be trampled on by someone else's self-esteem, even though he himself will always respect anyone. He will always react positively to those who trample him without even demeaning him. But a person who is inferior he will not be able to rise and continue to fall when trampled by others.

II. Benefit To Others


Rice is the basic food that people eat after being processed into various types of food, such as rice, porridge, lontong, ketupat and so forth. Rice is a plant that fills people hungry and gives energy to be able to beraktifitas. That is the nature of the rice that should be imitated by us.

III. Smart adaptable

Rice plants can live anywhere. Rice can live in rice fields, fields, swamps or even hills. When rice grows in paddy field of course rice grows well because irrigation is relatively easy to get. But in areas where the water is difficult, such as in fields and hills, rice willy have to adapt to the environment. For this difficult area, rice can be planted when the rainy season only, it was not always get stagnant water.

There is also a type of wetland rice or tidal rice that grows wild or cultivated in the swamps. Able to form long stems so that it can follow changes in water depth is very extreme.
In essence, rice plants teach us to be able to adapt wherever we are, especially we are intelligent creatures who can certainly adapt and adjust to the conditions and environmental situation around us.

Rice teaches us to be able to withstand the onslaught of trials. Durable even if placed in a place that does not wear though.

Learn from the rice that makes the peace of others, especially the farmers. He always eagerly awaited his presence because it has ketawadhuan, diligent to provide benefits to others and able to adapt under any conditions

Thus, Be you like a rice.

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