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RE: The Social Basis of the Woman Question, part 1, by Alexandra Kollontai + Half Life 2 Local-Motive mod

in #philosophy6 years ago

How dry is your throat when you're done recording these? 😉

Speaking personally, I align with the proletariat woman in that I see men as my comrades. Though, I can understand why bourgeois women considered men as their oppressors, for all choices made within their lives were by their fathers and husbands. I'd like to say that I would think differently had I been in their shoes but, who knows? Our perspectives come first from what we experience and then from what we learn or seek to understand.


UwU ~ Thanks for the compliments (throat's never dry funnily enough) and for listening in! Yeah, Kollontai (and later Materialist/Proletarian Feminists) wouldn't necessarily disagree with your sentiment, probably even fully agree. But it's always been a question within times of crisis on who and what they fight for and who and what they want to actually achieve when we get down and dirty. But good it got yer brain jogging on thinking things through.

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