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RE: If reality were only a simulation how would WE the simulants be able to know for sure?

in #philosophy8 years ago

Right up my alley' I'm wondering if we will ever see quantum computers in this lifetime.and who would be the front runner in this technology,and I am starting to wonder if I am in a simulation'talking about being in a simulation. Ohh the wonder of reality.of which there are Many' perceptions, this concept can keep me occupied for hours. Sacred geometry' is another interesting topic, either way , this was a good read indeed!


Simulation inside a simulation. Now tie this concept into the popular topic of the Singularity. The concept of humans trying to transfer their consciousness into machines so they could be immortal. What if that is what we really are? Maybe those people the believe in reincarnation are onto something... consciousness moving onto the next character in it's simulation.

You literally could speculate and talk about this for a very long time. It is a very deep rabbit hole. Some corners of it might be a little spooky. I like spooky things. :)

Thanks for your reply.

My interest in quantum computers is the math implications. It kind of boggles my mind. I've been doing a dance with binary since I was around 12 years old (1982). Thinking in something other than 0 and 1 will change a lot of things. It could have some substantial ramifications on simulations and procedural generation.

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