What should be the criteria for getting respect?-Age or Quality

in #philosophy6 years ago

In India there is a saying"We should respect our elders". Until now we have followed this rule. I believe in other countries also its similar.But when you think deeply into this matter is it justifiable?
Whom do you think we should respect?


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If a person has final stage lung cancer by smoking cigarettes throughout life and then he advice an youngster that he should not take cigarrettes I feel its illogical.

If an alcoholic old man abuses wife and have all dirty habits should we respect them?
If a youngster who has done some great achievement will we tell' He is only a kid'?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule.
There is a story of a woman in India who was upset about her son . He was eating too much sugar. Finally she took to see his great hero Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhiji listened to the woman patiently and said "Go home and come back in two weeks.”

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The lady took the boy and went home.

Two weeks later she returned and Gandhi told the boy "Boy, you should stop eating sugar. It is not good for your health.”

The boy nodded and promised he would not continue this habit any longer.

The boy’s mother turned to Gandhiji and asked,

"Oh! mahatma"Why didn’t you tell the same thing to my son when I brought him here before?”
He smiled and said"Mother, two weeks ago I was still eating sugar myself.”

Moral-Unless you become perfect you dont have the right to judge or advice others

If you have any thoughts please convey?

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