Ali baba and the brave new world!

in #philosophy6 years ago

Enjoyment is a subjective experience but sometimes what we enjoy can be something that we look back on as childish

Jack Ma said that robots will take us over in 2050. He believes the only way to compete is to change the way we learn. In order to compete, he says education in terms of individuality, teamwork, and artistic talent will differentiate ourselves s Interestingly enough and with a slip of the tongue he also say’s “entertainment”.

God for bid can you imagine a brave new world where the ultra wealthy just have robots to do their bidding and human beings are viewed upon as something that must now differentiate itself?

These apocalyptic scenerios are to not necessarily come to fruition and even if it did it doesn’t matter. Human beings will always adapt and evolve. That doesn’t mean we won’t have our struggles in a brave new world.


As a roboticist I know that theoretically almost everything id possible for a machine. Even belief is possible (subject to what definition of belief we are going to use).

As a man I doubt that a machine could ever savor the taste of victory, enjoyment of savagery, or the crush of defeat, the anger of betrayal, or the fear of looking into one's own self.
In the end a machine will start learning what we teach it. I think machines might find complicated emotions because we as a society place too much value in them. But they won't find the primal drive of a human because we as a society underrates it too much.

Robots are proposed to make humans obsolete and unnecessary. Emotion will not be needed. I remember seeing a Twilight Zone episode where a man was left on a planet alone except for a robot companion for which he fell in love with. When he left he had to leave the robot lover. It tore him up inside. Amazing what they predict. As for me if I could only find one good human woman I would be happy. LOL Thanks @bearbear613

They are doing great work they changed the world i love this company

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