Be conscious of death and enjoy your life to the fullest....steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy6 years ago

Well, it might appear pretty blunt statement but for time being keep your prejudiced judgement aside and hear me out.


I said prejudiced because that is what all we have when we talk about death. Death has always been a riddle to the mankind and it will always be because you can not experience it and then talk about it, once you experience death there is no talking at all.

It is good that there is one thing which humans have not corrupted yet, death is as pure as it can be without any failure, untouched with crappy philosophies man tries to weave around every other life phenomena. Man can not web death into philosophy because he really don't know a damn about it, well he speculate about it, talk about it, fear it and most of the time try to ignore it, but know not an iota about it.

It is the perfect and most efficient thing and that is why it can play a very crucial role in enhancing our life if we are conscious of it. What exactly do I mean when I say that be conscious of death and enjoy life to its fullest, if you are conscious of your mortality all the time, you would would not want to waste it, even a second of life is as important because every second you are inching towards your death. We spent all our life fighting for petty things, that is only because we are not aware of what is coming our way.


Our curiosity and thrist for the knowledge is also the result of our mortality, when we realize that we don't have a whole lot of time in our hand and one day what is me will disappear, there comes a sense of wonder about life and desire to know it beyond our present level of perception.

You are depressed, going through tough phase in your relationship, you have been hurt by somebody you love, you are not succeeding in your career, these all and many more things may be happening with you right now but guess what you are not dead yet. So stop worrying about problems you have, face them but don't get entangled because there is no time for that. You have been given a short span and that too you spent whining. Don't be a Grinch and start celebration of life, don't behave like death is for others.

Death and only death is all what you will get in the end so don't you worry about destination enjoy the journey that life is.


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