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RE: How to have a soul and an afterlife without magic

in #philosophy8 years ago

Then I must not have made myself completely clear. Even if the Universe reaches heat death, all that time still exists. Because time is not the ticking clock our brains make us see it as, it is a broad multidimensional matrix which we are only aware of single points in, while alive, but which we can mostly likely apprehend more widely once the filter of our entropy based perception is removed.

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Cor 13:12"

Further, I don't believe this description contradicts any Biblical or Christian tenets of the afterlife except the most child-like idea of an actual place in the clouds. In fact, for God to be eternal, what I describe must almost certainly be true. Just as we exist across our time, He exists across all times.

Lastly, I consider myself a Christian and follow the Bible, just not blindly. It's the other Christians who judge me as not really Christian, because I don't believe the unBiblical and edited for children Christianity they were taught in kindergarten Bible Class.

The afterlife you probably envision is eternal, so is this, it probably includes a fully human and undecaying body and so does this, it probably is in God's perfected and eternal Kingdom and so is this. All I have done is make it possible within the laws of nature and physics. God's nature and physics.


Thanks for responding to my observations, and for your additional clarifying comments. ;)

I obviously need to "munch on this" some more, and probably ask some more questions. I do understand God to have access to the entire "timeline" if you will, and (much as I love time-travel stories) I do view history as immutable. So, here's a question (and probably indicative of my simplistic understanding of what you've had to say):

Supposing we've fast-forwarded into an eternal afterlife. With the "flip-book" "non-directional-time" physics-based view of eternity, wouldn't the afterlife of atheists be nothing more than an ability to replay particular sequences of their historical life? Or am I still misunderstanding your concept? ;)

And, I hope that my prior comment didn't imply judgement of you or your position? If so I apologize, not what I meant at all, just want to dialog here with you a bit. :)

BTW, I decry the cartoonish "floating on clouds" views of eternity and expect far more. And also BTW, I did read the "Don't You Dare Read This One" article... which (if true) would support a view of uni-directional time... ;)

None of what I hypothesize says anything about how someone might enjoy the eternal awareness of all things.

The probable existence of multiple nonspatial dimensions implies that even without time, some things might happen in another direction. After the action of K and B Mesons are fully understood, I hope they will fit more reasonably within my ideas. Perhaps:

  1. While alive we step through points that describe a line
  2. When the gross chemical actions are over, we are lines sketching out a plane in another dimension, then
  3. K and B mesons are the direction we go to form a cube.

Oh, I misunderstood your question.

No, if true, all persons would be eternally aware of every moment of their life at all times as a whole. As well as every part of the Universe that has e er affected them in the slightest. The eternal awareness of Now, this instant, would encompass all time.

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