Podcast Episode 329: Justifiable War


Murray Rothbard said that there have only been two “just” American wars. Murray was wrong.

In this podcast from July 11, 2013, Ben Stone examines the justification given for war and deconstructs the excuses given. Click here for a direct link to the MP3 file for this episode.

This is a follow-up to the podcast in yesterday's post. We suggest listening first to that episode before diving into this one.


For more articles and podcasts on liberty, the zero-aggression principle, and property rights, go to badquaker.com, and thank you for reading.


If you ever get a chance if you make text versions of your podcasts I am more likely to resteem them and up vote on them. Listening to Podcasts is not particularly productive for me as I read and think far faster than audio can deliver the information. I have loved many of your past written pieces. If you can provide text with the podcasts you'll be hitting both audiences, those like me who have very little time for podcasts, and those who prefer podcasts.

These are posted by an admin from the facebook page on Ben's behalf, not Ben himself. I can check to see if there are any transcripts, but I think I posted all of the articles back when I started the account here.

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