Does Good Content Mean You Have More Chance At Success?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


I was in a discussion on another platform about how someone was frustrated with their good content not being picked up by readers.

I'm talking books by the way.

The question was asked 'Am I naive in thinking that good content means bestselling books?'

In was an interesting conversation. My take on it is this, remember I am just staring out so my perception is on research and limited experience.

First of all sometimes it doesnt matter about the simpleness of a book.

Look at 50 shades of grey (I am not a fan of the story line) but the book read well to me although it was heavily critised for being poorly written.

But look how many books were sold...

My point is that everyone is different an not every reader is a writer. Not everyone has a red pen at the ready to critique.

My plan to get my books noticed is to try to do my best with the resources I have and to research hard to get a good marketing strategy. This is my plan.

Be confident in my writing
Research anything
Dont feed the haters
Stay positive
Market like crazy

Of course each bit of that requires alot of detail and time and I plan to share my experience with you.

So, Does Good Content Mean You Have More Chance At Success?


I believe that good content has a much better chance at success, @aubreyfox. Even if I'm not that interested in the topic of an article or a book, I can appreciate how well written it is, and want to see more from that author.

The reverse is also true. If the subject of the post or book is of interest to me, but the content is poorly constructed, I may not finish or want to see anything else from the author in the future.

I would concentrate on constructing the best possible content by focusing on grammar and style. Over time, you will find both what you enjoy writing about most, and what your readers want to consume. Thats where you will begin to enjoy success..

Thanks again for this post. I have upvoted it and followed so that I may see more from you in the future. Feel free to follow me back.

In the meantime, good luck on Steem and enjoy your journey!

Thank you very much. Yes creating an independent style I think is very important.

So, Does Good Content Mean You Have More Chance At Success?
My take on that question is that YES, absolutely... but not necessarily on the short term... On the long term, quality always gets its due - but of course on the long term we are all dead. So, we must make a choice: starve like an artist, or piss copy like a Dan Brown.

I think I get you. Who is your favourite AUthor?

Difficult question... Tolstoy, Cendrars, Dashiell Hammett, Italo Calvino, Durrell, James Ellroy... :) Take a pick!

Interesting. I tend to agree with @herverisson here on his thoughts. Think of how much great art is only discovered after the artist dies.

Having produced quality content can produce benefits, but somehow a lot of garbage seems to rise to the top. (One reason I never know what the "Top 40" songs are anymore...not that they're ALL garbage, but let's be real.)

and speaking of garbage, there is a reason why Dan Brown's books are the most donated (ie abandoned) to Oxfam after they are read ( It's because no one would reasonably want to read it again! While I would never be able to abandon my copies of Catcher in the Rye or Salammbo.

Content yes, but luck as well. Your work has to catch the attention of people who can help you. Or a lot of people :)

Yes....I think luck can be a big factor!

I recently found out about Curie on Steemit. Have a read and see if this provides anything that may help in your quest. It seems you can increase your chances and reduce the need for luck somewhat..

I used to have a lot of interaction with curie but when steemit got really busy I forgot about it somehow. Schemes like this is great for seeking out good writing, but it's not for the bigger book marketing world :-(

Yes i would agree with you there. How did Curie do for you? Was it beneficial?

Before...I'm talking about 6 months ago...they used to find good content and stories and upvote them. It was really helpful and not only did it give you a few dollars but it boosted your confidence too and you got to see other good content as they would list them too.

ahh right.

There is a lot of criteria to meet, but I appreciate that there are many posts to choose from.

I'm glad you cite 'confidence gain' as a positive, and not just the additional dollars - good point! Thanks for sharing :)

Your very welcome....looks like a good scheme!

Unfortunately, luck plays more a part in success than good writing and great presentation.

50 Shades was featured on a local news station and it said how bad the book was... so many people wanted to see what the fuss was about that the printer had to print more books. That got reported too and it snowballed and snowballed... and snowballed.

Now, she's so successful that she is actually teaching writing...

There's no hope... ;)

Just like on Amazon, where there are a lot of good writers not getting recognition they deserve, luck has a massive part to play.

My advice is to not over-think it all, just do what you do and don't waste your time trying to figure out the algorithms - it's really not the answer.

Yes it's really fascinating to see how 50 shades panned out but with my simple brain, I didn't have a problem with her writing itself but the content . I did not like the storyline and for me was a poor version of the secretary which I did feel was done a whole lot better. But I do read different to alot of people with my dyslexia. I have learned that there are alot of different readers too. I think luck plays a massive part in how your book is portrayed and of course marketing. Saying that, I dont think there is any better writer than Stephen King and his success I believe is down to skill and luck.

James Spader movie?

I've not read 50 shades. I haven't read Twilight on which 50 shades is based (ripped off from) and I have no intention of watching any of the films - I saw the first twilight film, blackmailed to watch with my sick daughter...

Yes thats it and you will see james spader plays a business man who is namely mr grey and he likes a bit of slap and tickle

I seen twighlight once but never made that connection. If you watch secretary its hard not too

Did Fifty Shades of Grey get panned because of the content or the writing style? Critics are fickle. What you or I consider good content may not be in the eyes of the critics. I read a book because it catches my interest. I have given up on reading a popular book because I thought it was poorly written and I couldn't get past the first chapter. I think you need to be true to yourself before all others.

Im not really sure. The writing itself didnt bother me but it was basic. The storyline to me was very average and almost glorified a preditory man and being a victim of abuse myself, it just didnt sit well. But that is just personal opinion. The secretary was better because it showed the psycholical trauma behind their decisions.

Good content makes a huge difference. Sure, you can get that lucky break with exposure, but if you have nothing good to offer when that happens, it really won't do any good.

This reminded me of a book I read last year and got me started on a post of my own on the subject - with a link back here of course! Thanks for the inspiration!

I'm just starting out as an author so im learning as I go along but I believe in all aspects of life that if you have enough belief and passion in what you do then it is the foundation for success. Will check out your link now...thankyou!

Hmmm I don't know if good content guarantees a greater chance at success. Sometimes, maybe, but I think a lot of other factors come into play, like adequate promoting.
But I get your issue, 'cause I'm the same, as a writer myself (yet unpublished), I often wonder that. Because to me, it should be a guarantee....
Anyway, good article. I loved the phrase 'not every reader is a writer'.
Keep it up :)

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