It is Okay to Feel Good

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

I find that a lot of people seem to feel guilty about feeling good. This mindset is drilled into us by systems of order that only seems to value productivity and obedience. Pleasure is poison to those systems so we are, falsely, led to believe that it is wrong for us to seek it out and immoral to enjoy it. However, this is simply not the case. Pleasure, happiness, joy and all the positive emotions are just as natural as fear, pain, and all the rest. There is nothing right or wrong about any of them because they, like all things, simply exist. The only moral value that they hold is the one we choose to place on them. With this in mind I urge you to enjoy yourselves because it is okay to feel good.

Pleasure is dangerous to systems of authority. Some religions offer the promise of posthumous pleasure in exchange of suffering and obedience in life but if people are able to find that pleasure in this world, it may drive them away from the belief structure that keeps them submissive to the religious authorities. The leadership in these organizations recognizes that this is the case and, as a result, uses the influence of the religion to demonize the concept of "earthly" pleasure and diminish its value in the eyes of believers. Governments do the same things but for different reasons. They benefit from our productivity. If we are constantly working and take no time for ourselves, their benefits are increased, so things that distract us from breaking our backs in their service are called frivolous, wastes of time, and things deadbeats and layabouts do. Some things are banned and wrongly called dangerous because they bring too much pleasure or bring pleasure to undesirable (from the perspective of the authority) individuals. People are conditioned to view pleasure in these negative terms and when they seek it out or experience it, they are made to feel guilty so they actively deny themselves the many great things that life has to offer.


Despite the slander and misinformation, pleasure is our natural response and rightful reward for doing things that we enjoy. A thing stimulates our minds and we respond but by feeling better or worse. It does not matter what the thing is because every response is natural. People often like to downplay the use of drugs as artificial but the response which they cause in a user is just as natural as the one he or she would get from having sex or eating chocolate (which is a drug too, by the way). The reason that some stimulus make us feel good is that it does something for us and fulfills some need or desire and that is neither immoral nor it frivolous.

Pleasure is good for us too. If one denies pleasure, he or she lives in a sort of self imposed ignorance and is less than he or she could be if he or she had not. There are lessons to be learned from having a bit of fun sometimes. When one learns what he or she really enjoys, he or she knows more about who he or she really is. The positive side of pleasure runs deeper still. Things in life can be hard, upsetting, or taxing on the body and mind and seeking out pleasure can relieve some of those stresses. If we force ourselves to endure without ever taking a break, we reduce the quality of our lives in the name of false ideals. Some say hard work is rewarding and that is why we should shun anything that is fun but what is the reward worth if we do not allow ourselves to enjoy it?


All of this does not mean that pleasure should be the only pursuit in life because that would be as ridiculous as saying that we should never let ourselves feel good. The trick is finding the balance and this is a matter of changing the way that we think about these things. By all means, try to be a virtuous moral person but understand that morals and virtue are more fluid than some authority in a funny robe or strange hat might say. Please, be a dedicated and hard worker but also understand that the work is meant to end and that your own comfort and happiness have a value that can't be measured in any currency. Feeling good and being good do not come into conflict unless we make them come into conflict and this is a truth which we must learn if we ever hope to find contentment in life.


Unless otherwise credited, all the images in this post are sourced from the free image website


In most places I have traveled too, like Brazil for example, people feel good and are generally happy. Even though they don't have the best living condition. I think in the individualistic societies, people are taught more about achievement and productivity because people get their sense of pride through those things. While in tight-knight communities, people don't get their happiness from material things, possessions, and status, mostly from relationships, families and friendships. They don't feel guilty feeling good and so they are generally content with their lives.

But I see there's always the bad side. Because some people tend to be unproductive or lazy, or living moment by moment until there's literally nothing but time on their hands lol. While the workaholics in advanced societies tend to get unhappy and dissatisfied in life despite achievement and wealth. This does not apply to everyone of course, just my observation.

I agree. There are more than a few things that play in this issue. I didn't touch on this but some of it is comes from feeling guilty because you feel good while others don't but I see that as more based in empathy than some bad belief.

Collectiveism and individualism both have strengths and weaknesses. Looking for a middle path seems to work well enough for striking a good balance but finding it is not easy in a culture that is very much one or the other. Traveling might help with that, come to think of it.

Haha yeah that are for real lazy people for sure but I don't think that is much anyone can do about them lol.

finding it is not easy in a culture that is very much one or the other.

This is really true. When I was traveling I don't get why people are too happy or just having too much fun (not that there's something wrong with that lol), and then I wonder why there are people who are too serious about their lives, or thinking about the future and stability too much.

I think that is a lot of it. I have seen people do stupid things out of spite because someone told them not to because "no one tells me what to do" but I have also seen people not do things that they should do because "it will upset the family" or whatever. There is a time to do both but sometimes it is hard to tell when.

Haha I need to stop typing these on my phone. I always miss obvious typos lol.

It really is sad that people waste the best years of their lives working for SuperMegaCorp when it makes them so miserable. But to do anything else is considered "lazy".

Very true. I used to telemarket and it was really a horrible way to spend your day.

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You are right. It gets all the more confusing because the ads are telling you all day everyday what you need to feel happy. Because you're not happy now, you need a smoother skin, a faster car, a more far away holiday!!!! So they kind of do sell you happiness. But not the kind you mean, right?

Haha Well I would say they sell the illusion of happiness. People buy the cream and the car and are still unhappy.

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