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RE: Lucid Dreaming: Techniques to Induce Conscious Sleep

in #philosophy7 years ago

Thanks, great article.

I find it difficult to tell whether it is a lucid dream or a vision (I presume they are totally different 'gifts' yet they use similar methods for coming into existence). I have had two such 'visions'; the one proved true within months and the other over 11 years). If you would like me to detail them I'll make a small post.

Those that I know are lucid dreams have all had to do with my being with the characters from a story I have been writing for the last 18 years (about 26,000 pages). I've actually shared adventures they've had, which I have then written into the books.

What is amazing is that I've even come out of such a dream with the 'memory' of 'tingling' of my hand being touched as I awoke. It was very real and lasted for a few seconds.

Inducing them: I tried various ways as shown on YT and in articles, but none of them worked for me. I did find a program for influencing myself through flashing messages too fast for my eye to see and used it for about a year. I cannot say whether it helped or not.

Last point for now. I have never even thought of wanting to test or control the dream. It is such a vivid experience, so real and I am left with such a beautiful and joyous feeling, that all I've wanted is to experience it again. I have found that when I start to question, then it stops working for me - as has now happened, last lucid dream I shared with my beloved characters (family) was a few years ago.

You have tossed in a few good ideas I want to try.


Thanks for sharing. That sounds very interesting. Its great that you used your experiences to write a book! That would be a great source of inspiration I'm sure.

lol, is that what is happening? Or is it the book that is using me to write itself? In the book, the characters know I exist and chat with me, so, who knows...maybe...

hmmm. That's an interesting way of looking at it. You might be right.

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