Do Beliefs Help Unify A Group?🎆 Don't Let Your Uniqueness Be Taken Away ❤️

in #philosophy7 years ago


Held Together By A Belief?

A common assumption that is systemic inside the collective psyche is conformity essentially signifies agreeability. However, as I see it, conformity is an external disposition, and agreeability may be a matter of internality. Consequently, an individual could adapt to the necessities of group membership whereas secretly disagreeing with the group, all at once.

Therefore, essential to collectivism isn't agreeability however conformity. Whereas beliefs could secretly differ, from one individual to the opposite, the necessary factor is that the individual adheres to the traditions of his collective. It's not belief that unites a non-secular body, however, the traditional roles its members play.

Conveying Your Own Opinion

Throughout Church history, heretical positions are held by a number of its most devout members. Within monastic life, it had been not uncommon for a monk to question the authority and teachings of the Church. However, in doing thus, he was ordinarily suggested to keep his doubts a secret.

Martin Luther in confessing his misgivings to his confessor, Johann von Staupitz, was gracefully assured his issues were acceptable as long as they were kept secret. The necessary thing to the Church, like every alternative collective, isn't the inner orientation of its members, however, the external traditions that they exemplify.

Individuals Uniqueness

In fact, beliefs, being a matter of subjectivity, are naturally divisive. Of course, some beliefs are genuinely held in common however not all beliefs. To the degree by which they differ is the degree by that a man's internal perspective is disagreeable.

However, it's the individual's use of personae that hides these rifts in agreeability. Personae are selected by tradition; they're sanctioned and institutionalised roles supposed for the practicality of a society. Without personae, the collective would cease to operate.

So, although beliefs could divide a collective, tradition holds it together. A collective that respects individual beliefs should sacrifice conformity, and in sacrificing conformity, sacrifices tradition. It's more an aggregation of opinionated people than it's a tightly held collective.


Truer words have never been spoken. With more people like you on earth, the world will be a better place.

Hmm reasoning time @arckrai >Without personate, the collective would cease to operate

Your word always hit me big well-done buddy... I miss your post on several occasions I wish I can get the actual time you do post your post so I can follow you more closely

Well done

People who tend to conform do so to social norms. These norms are created by people's beliefs. These people carry these norms forward to following generations. These generations are born into a world full of norms they conform to without knowing why. Here is where individualism is lost. Most cannot question a reality not knowing of an alternative to it. They internalise these norms and therefore make them their beliefs. One of the ways to break this circle is for the existing generation to educate and create uniqueness in children.

I have a lot to say on this topic but I don't want to babble on and on without end.
Great post.

Well, for what it's worth, I am and have always sided with the rebels, even at great cost to myself. Secrets are dangerous things as nothing can remain hidden. A sage once said; "Think as if your thoughts are blazed across the skies for all to see, for in fact so it is" My approach (seen at times as a trouble maker) is to confront in a loving way and to lay my thoughts on the table! Recently a minister was complaining in an executive meeting that there was no money to buy him a new cell phone! I told him that we would donate one to him, a used one that is the same that we use! He refused! need I say more?

Ooops! Upvoted!

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