The word "CON"?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

The word con is weird. Can't find if it's negative or postive or what it's origin is. Maybe it has dual meaning, I wonder if CON has to do with con-nected?

Some think it comes from confident, which can certainly be a positive thing.. But many of its uses seems to be in a negative way likes "pros and cons" or "con men" or "conned" "confound" "confusion" "concussion" etc.. So in regards to con-sci-ence.. Would this refer to our way of looking at life as.. A confident thing? Or a confusing sort of thing?

Getting words right and understanding their meaning is almost like programming your brain's computer in my opinion, if you dunno even what words mean and they aren't consistent it's almost like your computer has a virus and is putting out partly junk information, so I think these kinds of things are much more important than most people probably do which is one reason I emphasize and spend so much time on language.

Plus I think language is kind of the root of everything, even math.. Cause, if you didn't have the LANGUAGE to understand those symbols, what would math even mean? Symbols and pictures and images are like.. Crucial for our way of interacting with the world. You could argue that perhaps the only thing more primal than language is the vibration of energy itself.. I'm not sure there's anything more base than that, that we are aware of..

Also we have the word SCI which can be connected to science. I think SCI means "to know" in ancient etymology.. So.. We have these words here connected sorta like.. Science Con-Science and Con-Sciousness?

Scious appears to come from Scius which appears to mean something along the lines of "cognizant" and the etymology of cognizant appears to mean "aware"... And the etymology of aware appears to be something along the lines of.. "watchful" or "cautious"

I'm wondering if I should just keep tracking down the etymology of each word and see if there's ever a bottom of if I just keep getting different words that loop me around..? Researching etymology can be exhausting sometimes, trying to unlock the true meaning of words isn't that easy.. And in some cases might be impossible, for are we sure they are even getting the translations right on these? How do we really know these words really meant what they are claimed to mean? There's some faith involved, especially if you're not an etymological scientist yourself, but I imagine even if you know everything they know, they're still guessing a lot of the time. -.-

Okay, cool! I think maybe I got to the bottom of this one, or partly at least..

"The masculine first name Gregory derives from the Latin name "Gregorius," which came from the late Greek name "Γρηγόριος" (Grēgorios) meaning "watchful, alert" (derived from Greek "γρηγoρεῖν" "grēgorein" meaning "to watch")."

So.. The first masculine nameof Gregory or Gregorius is where "watchful" comes and then by extension we have "aware" "cognizant" "consciosness" "conscience" But.. I'm still not sure how that links together with the word "con" in a meaningful way if it even does. And maybe if I learn more about this Gregorius fellow I can learn more about this riddle.. But I'll save that for later.

Wanna check cautious real quick, it appears to come from "careful" which I'm sure comes from "care".. Let's see what care means... Looks like it sorta comes from "grief" or "sorrow".. Hmmm.... Appears to come from "burden, or inflict or oppress"... Hmmm.... "To make heavy"...

Interesting.. Not sure I wanna go any deeper right now, I need to get to other things.. But caring seems to be connected to being burdened or inflicted or oppressed.. I assume this has something to do with the fact that when you care about others, and they are harmed.. That it sort of hurts you, you are inflicted and oppressed and burdened and made heavy by your care for others.. I would tend to agree with this.. But, I've no desire to lighten myself of my burdens.. I'm willing to take even more weight on top of these metaphorical shoulders that are holding my world up.

I'm not willing to trade my cares for lightness, my cares are what make me me.. If I didn't care anymore, why would anything make sense? Care is like.. Everything to me.. Without heart.. Why would anything matter? Might as well just fuck and murder everything and who cares right? Fuck that.. Grrr... Gonna have to think on the meaning of these words more.. I don't necessarily like the picture it paints, but I don't necessarily disagree either.. Caring does make you heavier, it does hurt, it is hard.. But.. Why would I ever want to disrespect the reality of the world by letting go of it all? How could I let go of it all and still be alive? That's almost like, leaving this world behind and becoming a spirit with no earthly concerns.. How can we be of this earth, and ignore the reality of it? sigh


I feel ya bro, I care for you.

Thanks man! :) I appreciate it. I care for you as well even though I don't really know you. I care for all people on some level, even if we've never met.

As do I my friend, we are all human. I use that not as an excuse but as a statement of existence.

Understood. Life is a bizarre difficult thing if you live long enough to realize it. It's not so hard to see why so many lose it at some point, it's not easy. It's rough. Though, that doesn't excuse any horrible crimes people do in my opinion. But, it does earn an amount of love.. Just by being here and experiencing this existence, no matter how evil you might have become because of it.. I think everyone still deserves love, even the worst of us.. Just.. Not as much love in my opinion as the good people. Hopefully that makes sense.

And of course I wasn't referring to you in regards to any of that, I was speaking in generalities. I barely know you enough to speak of your character, just that you're another human in this existence we share. This crazy crazy existence! heh.

Examining words and their roots will give you more pieces to assist you in putting togther the big puzzle of history, in your effort to determine the facts and cut-out the mistranslations and misleading narratives that are often promoted by the victor, who is often taken for granted as truth-teller.
In my culture, when studying our history, every letter serves it's purpose. Making a mistake with pronounciation or spelling without correcting the mistake leads to further corruption of the concept/source which may additionally lead others further astray.

Very true! Well said. Can I ask what your culture is? I'm guessing Hebrew?
I am interested in learning more about that language, seems to be a pretty important one.

Muslim, Turko-Maghrebi but live in California. I speak Arabic and english. I can read and understand a little Hebrew (maghrebi judeo-arabic and some biblical hebrew but not fluent or naturally)

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