Some more etymology! And.. ALMOST done with the movie. :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

wizard_by_stefana_tserk.jpgThis is going to be a quick status update cause I'm almost done with the movie I'm working on and I wanna finish it asap.
I hope to start rendering tonight even if it's not 100% cause I almost always have to end up rendering twice anyways due to me finding small mistakes when I watch the final version.

But.. We're getting close! I'm exciting, and I feel weight lifting from my shoulders already..
Has been such a complex and exhausting effort, it sorta felt like hiking the Grand Canyon.. In my mind at least! I'm tired.. ._.

So, also.. I touched on a lil more interesting wordplay/etymology the other night.

First was.. I wanted to know what the word "cast" mean.. In regards to "Casting a spell"..
And it appears as if it means "to throw".. So.. Casting a spell sorta means like throwing a spell at someone or something or whatever.

Cast is also related to the cast you get if you break a bone, or when you're fishing and you cast the reel.
I think, I'm guessing.. It is related to a "case" or "encasing"..
If you were casting a spell.. In a sense you would be encasing certain words and perhaps those words would have en encasing effect as well.

I found this cast word interesting cause.. We have words like "castaway" which basically now means.. "throw away" or "encased away" or "separated away"
Plus there's words like caste, castrated, and castle, which can all basically mean separated..
An encasing is also something separated, so we get some interesting numerous meanings that all seem to interchangably apply.
Casket for example is something encased, and it encases what is with in, and I guess you could say it's being thrown in the earth, and it's separated.
Whew.. It's weird how these words line up like that!

Moving on.

I found that the word MASON.. Possibly means either wall or MACHINE.. Whoa!
That's a pretty significant one.. So.. Are the Free Masons.. The Free Machines..?
Isn't that almost a contradictory thing? Can machines truly be free?

This reminds me of a conversation I had with my mother the other day where she was warning me of artificial intelligence and how it's trying to take over.
And she might be right, and I told her that in the future there will likely come a time when the pure humans have a conflict with the transhumans who want to evolve into machines.
Maybe there will be some type of Matrix or Terminator future in store for us.. Maybe machines will become free? I dunno! Lol.. Weird thoughts.
Also the wall meaning for mason could have something similar to do with like, "another brick in the wall" sorta thingy.

And finally.. I got into the etymology of the earth a bit and apparently it means soil..
There's definitely some interestign word play here if you consider..
Planting the SOLE of your foot in the SOIL = SOUL..
Also the etymology of Adam IIRC is = Blood and soil.
There becomes a neat metaphor where basically.. The symbolism of the "first" man, earth, and soul are all sort of synonomous.
Additionally we have like.. Metals and elements in our bodies from the earth.. So, perhaps we are kinda like golems made of the earth, haha.

Maybe those stories about us being made from mud and clay and the earth and stuff like that have some truth to them..
Hopefully though it wasn't just to create us as slaves to do the bidding of even more advanced beings. :\ That would suck.

And finally.. Apparently LAW means something like.. "lay down".. So if anyone ever says "laying down the law".. To me it sorta takes on a whole new meaning. Heh.

Anyways.. That's enough for now! It's already longer than I wanted it to be and I need to get back to working on the movie! Peace!

OH.. PS.. This was a thought I had and forgot about, but.. Cast has an implication to mean separate, or separated..
This is basically the same meaning for the words six and sex.. A separation, a division..
So.. THIS IS WEIRD.. But.. Could the word cast in a sense also kind of mean the same thing and sex and six?
Each time we are speaking words, or "casting spells".. Are we, separating such things? Or perhaps, dividing them? Creating some sort of union between the gendered energies that births a new creative energy..?
HA!.. Who knows.. I might be stretching on that one.. Though.. For all I know, maybe there's some truth to that..

We have the metaphor of sexual union almost everywhere.. It's in math, geometry, architecture, writing, drawing, painting, war, education, agriculture and there's probably numerous others I'm forgetting or missing!
So.. Why would it be surprising then if.. When we are casting spells, that we are also invoking this umm.. Gendered creative force?
Okay Ima shut up now, lol. Ttyl.


With your information here, I now have a different look at the words I am using. Thanks for sharing.

That's awesome. :) Good to hear,and you're welcome!

Hi @apolymask Interesting take on these words. I love finding out about the original meanings of words we use today. Enjoyed it immensely. Resteeming.

Thanks! I also do as well, glad to hear you enjoyed it. Language is really important to me! I appreciate the feedback and the resteem! I was going to go to your page and read your blog cause you seem interesting based on your response and your description but didn't see any blogs and was all resteems, so.. I guess I'll see you around! Heh.

Yes, I know. I need to start blogging. I have so many things and ideas I want to share. I have been so busy but I love steemit and reading all the interesting posts. Thanks for at least checking me out @apolymask

Interesting findings on the different words you are finding. Hope to see your new finished movie soon!

Word! I think so too, and also I'm looking forwarding to sharing the movie as well! Though.. This is a long movie this time, so I don't really expect anyone to watch the whole thing unless they really want to.

Great job with your post! @apolymask I just upvoted this, hoping you would do the same to mine, i know you'll like them. Have a wonderful time!
...and yes, at some point in our early history we did get manipulated into a slave race. Our race still generally hasn't recovered but, there is hope, much hope and potential i see. Take care and stay safe! :)

Thanks eluemina. I'll have to check out your articles when I get a chance as I'm working on my movie. But will do.
How do you know we were manipulated into a slave race so to speak? I wasn't back then there myself, so.. I'm a bit hesitant to accept any absolute claim.
And also.. I still have hope as well, though I'm not sure if it is well place! Lol.. Sometimes it seems impossible and sometimes it seems like most humans are ungrateful and undeserving.. yet.. I still have hope and I still try. Glad you have hope as well! I think that's important.. Without hope.. Things are even worse.

Thank you! @apolymask I cannot agree more. The story of our race is a very long tale, but i am planning a series of posts or a single post where i'll deal with that, so watch out! But with that, i'm actually happy you need facts to be presented and you don't just blindly believe what you see or hear. Keep it up, we need more critical thinkers. I will forever have hope and drive until when we have totally destroyed lies and corruption on our planet because of the great potential i see in everyone! I wish you success in your movie. It shall soar high above the expectations of you and all others working on it! Please inform me when it is ready, looking forward to your coming posts and i just followed you! With lots of love!!! :)

PS: You might have been there when it happened...

I've only had a chance to read one of your articles so far. I generally agreed with it and felt like you put a good amount of thought and energy into it, so I gave you a follow as well.

i'm actually happy you need facts to be presented and you don't just blindly believe what you see or hear.

Facts help, but.. Very few things are facts, I tend to go with logic or I just abstain from forming an absolute belief if I can't give it enough reasoning.
Evidence definitely helps though! I'm more inclined to lean towards something with evidence than something with none.

Thanks for all the nice words you really have a bright energy to you, I will let you know when the movie is done since you asked. It's a long one though.. I don't expect anyone to watch the whole thing unless they really want to.

When you said at the end that I might have been there when it happened.. What do you mean? Are you referring to the same subject we were talking about in regards to ancient peoples and such?

Thank you very much @apolymask for the follow. You are right there, about logic. Very good approach. I was advising people to do the same in a post of mine titled 'How to Access, Handle and Discern information. I'm impressed! You might not think it is as big a deal as i'm making it, but the truth is most people aren't like that. Anyway, thank you!!! I try to be as loving and compassionate as i can. By the way, you underestimate me! I will watch that movie from the very begining to the last of the ending credits! and yes, i meant during the time when the Annunaki tampered with our genome. Loving you! Stay safe and take care. You rock! :)

Excellent work and great post sir.... Thanks a lot
Upvoted/ Resteemed

"Okay Ima shut up now, lol." ha ha ha that's good :D
I mean your vision made me crazy and I didn't find a place to say "I am disagree"! Great work dude! Very rare amount of people who wish to open their mouth for talking about the truth! You are one of them!
Keep it up, we have long way to go!


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