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in #philosophy6 years ago

Pretty deep. You definitely have a way with words.

This world is filled with so much beauty and pain that sometimes one does not know if one is living in paradise or has gone to hell. Yet in either of these fictional futures; heaven or hell, is anyone free?

Good question! I think no one is probably 100% free, but I do think we have varying degrees, some seem clearly more free than others, BUT.. You make an interesting point in regards to how it is not just physical, so.. Someone poor and struggling, could actually be happier than someone who is rich and has almost everything, just because the rich person is a prisoner in their own brain, while the poor person might be much more free mentally.

Also, in regards to your analogy about children being more free because they haven't learned the rules of the world yet.. I partly agree, but also.. Partly not, cause if you're aware of the rules, I think that can make you even more free than someone who is oblivious to the rules.

For example.. A child that doesn't know it can walk, is going to be very "stuck" and not free.. But once they learn to walk, that is incredibly liberating. They can now move around much better than before and are more freed because of their knowledge.

Great entry! Really made me think. Thanks for sharing!


For example.. A child that doesn't know it can walk, is going to be very "stuck" and not free.. But once they learn to walk, that is incredibly liberating. They can now move around much better than before and are more freed because of their knowledge.

But is the child worried that it can't walk? Is it beating his or herself over that inability? It is having fun on your shoulder, creeping all over the place, sleeping in the cot. The baby is free of that bother but if you have walked before, you will not find it easy to accept that you can't walk anymore.

There is freedom in ignorance. You can be anything, try anything but knowledge, rules bring constraints, limitations, synonyms for chains.

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