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RE: Lucid Dreaming: Techniques to Induce Conscious Sleep

in #philosophy5 years ago

Great post! I finally got around to reading it. :) And I think it was helpful. There were a few new things though not much I hadn't really heard before, but the way you worded it was very well done and it reminded me of a lot of things.

I'm still having trouble lucid dreaming, though I had one not too long ago where I sort of entered that state and.. It felt really powerful and I think I abused my power.. I was defending myself in the dream, but I didn't have to kill the person who was attacking me and I felt bad afterwards. At least I think I killed them.. I can't totally remember.. Either way it was a reminder to me to not be so ruthless with such God like power if I were to have it.

There are other ways, I could have just bound the person or put them to sleep or done something like that instead of shooting their own bullets back at them sorta like in the Matrix.

Kind of a scary thought though.. Reminds me of the movie "Akira".. I think if most people had God like powers they would probably abuse them and.. It was a good lesson to me to remember the moral lessons I have learned and not go down that path, hopefully in the future I can be more restrained and controlled and not give in so much to the incredible power that is possible in the dream world.. But it sure is a sort of fun and thrilling feeling to be able to basically control the physical world with your mind.. I have to wonder if there might some how be a way to invoke such kinds of powers in real life once again hearkening back to The Matrix movie, though I tend to doubt it! I imagine if it was possible there would be people out there flying around and doing all kinds of crazy stuff, heh. Though perhaps there is and they just keep it a really good secret? Who knows.. Interesting to think about though. Anyways.. Glad I came back to this! I think it may be helpful in me reaching lucidity more in the future. Thanks for the write up and hope you're doing well!


That sounds like an intense dream and like you learned a lot from it and took a lot away from it. It's kind of strange when you think about dreams on a philosophical level in that, you are creating the dream. The dream and the characters within it, are a part of you, perhaps a part of your subconscious. So by killing a dream character, are you killing a part of your self or your subconscious? Just something weird to ponder hahaha

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