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RE: Star Wars Philosophy

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Hey. Interesting take. I agree with most of what you said, though I didn't see the recent couple movies yet.. So I was unaware of the "grey" Jedi part.. Yet a friend sort of told me about some of the stuff so I'm not surprised when I hear that.

But.. I wanted to give you a lil history that not many know, and that.. Maybe you don't know. I don't know. Lol.. But I'll share it anyways, you may find it interesting.

Where to start. Okay.. First.. Lucas said that The Hero With a Thousand Faces was a significant inspiration in the movie, and that book from my understanding is sort of about Archetypes and how all the different heroes are the same person, you and me.. We're all the same "God" incarnating itself and experiencing itself so to speak, sort of..

Anyways.. You can find some strong biblical themes in Star Wars, just like The Matrix and many other movies. It's sort of like a retelling of an older story in a new way.

There's other hidden stuff too like.. Luke's name.. Luke Skywalker..
Luke = Lucifer Skywalker = The sun walking across the sky = Jesus = God.. Etc.. All the same character in different "masks" so to speak.

Going further.. I think it's highly likely Lucas was pulling from ancient history in Egypt and elsewhere, but especially there.. The occult world claims direct knowledge back to this time and they claim a group of people called the "D'Jedi".. Google it if you're unaware.

They claim these were ancient spellcasters back in the days of the Pyramids and such. There are modern day schools that claim to teach these ancient doctrines. There's one in my town, it is run by someone in a high position in the occult world, I prefer not to go into specific details which is rare for me. But.. Let's just say he is pretty high up there in the occult world, and during their first meeting they had a really high profile speaker in the secret intelligence world..

I dunno what to think... Totally.. But they seem to believe all this stuff.. They believe Jedi's are real.. They themselves often think they are Jedi.. Or.. D'Jedi.
Whether they have any true special or magic powers beyond extreme cleverness to the point of practical world domination, who knows.. But.. They are extremely smart and have incredible wealth.. Maybe they do know some real magic stuff.. I dunno.. I think I may take one of their classes some day, however.. Money is an issue right now. Though.. I am open minded to seeing what they're all about in the future.

SO yeah.. I think that's enough for now.. But.. Star Wars appears to have MANY deep levels to it, and perhaps some real historical roots as well, with real high level people in the occult world actually believing they are D'Jedi still to this day and age.. Yet.. Most people who watch the movie prolly don't know much about any of that..

I gotta wonder how much Lucas(Lucifer) really knew in regards to all of this.. Maybe there's a lot more truth to that movie than we think.. Maybe.. There's actually some real hidden history going on in that movie? I dunno.. Interesting to think about though! Cheers.


I always love hearing your take on these things. I didn't know about The Hero With a Thousand Faces connection though. I'm going to look into that! Thanks for stopping by dude.

Thanks for your post @Clayboyn, I'm going to resteem this because I feel it is completely relevant to where we're at in this world of light vs dark. I believe we need that Grey Jedi more than ever.

@Apolymask, awesome comment and I'm interested in learning more about these d'jedi. I believe that Star Wars is based off a lot more truth than some are willing to accept. If you have followed cosmic disclosure on, they talk about an entire galactic federation existing in space and influencing our planet. German secret civilizations exploring and mapping out Mars on quantum computers in the '40s.

Who says Star Wars isn't just a damn good effort to explain whats actually going on in the Milkyway. A galaxy not so far away.

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