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RE: Some philosophical musings.

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

You're using "their" money. They have so much money since they create it that money is essentially meaningless to them, POWER is what they want. money is just a tool for more power for those who belief in that system of money and use it.

Great thing about crypto is it's broadening this discussion and allowing us to distance ourselves from their money more, and I do agree with you that money is powerful and important in ways, but it's not the end all be all.

Even if we free ourselves from their money system, they will still try to oppress us as much as possible because that's how they retain their power. They don't appear to have an interest in giving any power away willingly, they only give away what we demand for ourselves in our own self respect.

Yes. Stop paying for the stuff you disagree with, but please don't stop there. It goes a LOT deeper in my opinion and these secret groups in power will continue to try to oppress even without money being in the picture. PS. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


It is true that they have endless money since its their money. But I what I mean with money, fiat that is, I mean recourses. They still need that money to buy and do things, and if they print more, it will loose value. But then people moght say, they dont even use money for that new Bentley they want to buy. No, they moght not, but they will still need to trade something for it, and even if it is not them, money will come in to play. So yeah, depriving them from their money circulation will hurt them, even if it isn't directly. Because money always come in to play.

Example: They want to buy a new car. But they don't want to use money. So they trade lets say, brand recognition for a new car. Wel, the car brand still needs to make the cars, so they will have to pay someone for the materials. And that is with money, and by just getting brand recognition, they wont have it easier to pay for materials. They still need money. But it is way more complex about that.

Oh, and about that crypto. People see crypto as a way to get rid or opose fiat money. Sorry for telling you this, but those people are late to the party. Let me tell you why. I was thinking yesterday about this sitiation.

  • internet isnt easy to use becaise of too high prices
  • cryto is prohibited in most of the countries

Now in this sitiation, you cant use crypto, or at least ot the easy way. What is the alternative. Go back to basics. Trade your 2 old car for a new car. Et voila, no fiat money seen or used. We have been doing that for long, we don't really need crypto, but it helps.

Sorry for the long post. I even tried to stop myself in this one. I'm capitalist so I can get a little too passionate about this.

Regular trade and barter is great, though I see no reason to not use crypto if you have the ability. I may even create my own coin some day. I think it's important. Currencies are just a form of exchange for things like materials like you mentioned but also labor and talent as well as others. Essentially though, it represents work or value. Creating our own systems will do the best I think to deprive "them" of their monetary power. Though as I mentioned I don't think that's enough. They have corrupted almost everything, and have infiltrated almost everything. Money is just one of many areas they infect. Oh and no worries. I appreciate you speaking your mind. Sorry if my response isn't as long.

Good that you want to create a coin someday. I also want to make my own currency, but it is more complex than crypto, I'm still working on the concept before I start progrmming anything. And yes, we need some type of currency for the same reason money started to exist, but offcourse fiat money doesn't do what real currency does, so we need to get that sucker out. By creating our own system yes, but just now I just remembered that in a lot of countries, doing just that is illigal. It is illigal to use another currency than the fiat that is accecpted by the government.

I know they have corrupted a lot more than our currency. They are responsible for the change of culture in Europe, by letting a lot of migrants in without the consent of the inhabitants. They make the rules where they are legalizing pedophilia. They have influence in the way we think, what we eat and what we see on the news. The only way to get rid of them is by having freedom to distribute and observe any information you want. That is illigal also in Europe, certain things you are not allowed to see, and certain things you are not allowed to show.

Oh and it is no problem if you don't write a long message. Sometimes people should keep it short for the sole purpose of not boring the reader. In witch I failed in as you see. I always tend to respond with long messages. You should see my text, I found out real fast that phones have a limit of the size of texts that can come in, they even sometimes crash.

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