Logos and.. Jesus/God....?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

So.. The other night I made a curious discovery..
And many people are aware of this already I'm sure.
I know I had been aware of it before or heard it somewhere, but sort of forgot.
Anyways.. I found out that LOGOS.. Is both the name of a Greek God of the "universe" or "everything" and it's also claimed Jesus was Logos!

"1580s, "the divine Word, second person of the Christian Trinity," from Greek logos "word, speech, statement, discourse," also "computation, account, also "reason," from PIE *log-o-, suffixed form of root *leg- (1) "to collect, gather," with derivatives meaning "to speak," on notion of "to pick out words." The Greek word was used by Neo-Platonists in metaphysical and theological senses involving notions of both "reason" and "word" and subsequently picked up by New Testament writers."

"In the opening of his Gospel, John refers to Jesus using the Greek term “Logos.” English Bible translators have rendered that loaded term as “Word”"

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him…” (John 1:1).

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

This absolutely fascinates me! I've been saying for a while now that "everything is language" much like some people believe everything is "math" or "love" or "music" or whatever.
And those all may be true especially if we live in some kind of hologram reality.
Yet to me as a poet and someone who just loves communication in general.. I came to the conclusion that everything has a story to tell, even nothing, even the absense of something tells us something.

So.. To learn that the Greek god of "everything" and Jesus are both connected to the "word".. Is rather powerful.
I think that may be one reason why Jesus was considered so gifted, because according to accepted history most people of the time couldn't read or write.. And Jesus could do both.
He was sort of like a magician or a wizard compared to the people around him who could barely communicate..
To me this says.. Or rather.. It reaffirms and re-confirms to me that language is incredibly power, and that the more you realize that the more.. Spiritual or even.. "God like" you become.

If the Word is God.. Then those who know how to use the word better will be more closely connected to the source and "God".
This is probably a significant reason why those who seem to be the most powerful in the world are the most diplomatic and clever and are able to influence others with their words.
Politicans and presidents and people who could CONVINCE other people of things and get them to follow them..
Herds of words.. Herds of words..

You can create whole WORLDS for others to live in with your words, you can shape realities or "subjective" realities with such.
Every time someone says or writes a word it conjures a picture in your mind, thus if you know how to put pictures into peoples mind like the politicians and manipulators do..
You can literally create whole paths for people to follow that are illusionary.
"Brainwashing" so to speak..

Words are powerful! I once again urge anyone reading this to try to find some time to study etymology.
Or to just read the actual regular definitions of the words you use.
I'd say MOST people don't even really ever look up the definitions of the words they use..
They just hear them used in certain context and then micic and copy them.
And others just create their own definitions for words as well..
If you actually spend a little bit of time to look up both the modern definition of a word and the ancient etymological meaning.. I think you will be well served!

It's not hard either just type whichever word into these two links.. http:s//www.dictionary.com and https://www.etymonline.com/
In a few minutes you can usually learn what a word really means, and not just guess or assume and then we can all be better served by being able to articulate ourselves better and be more on the "same page" in regards to what each other are saying.
Also.. I think you'll start turning into a sort of "magician".. As weird as that may sound.. Hah.
We have grimoires of grammar, we write rites and spell spells and word worlds.

It really is sort of like magic.. And those who understand this and study it.. Realize there is great power here.
And this is one reason I think they want people dumbed down.. It's much easier to control people when they don't realize they're being hypnotized!
If you are however more aware of language and how it's used, it's much more difficult for you to be put under those kinds of spells and mesmerized into following paths that serve OTHERS, instead of YOU.
I think the more we learn how to speak better, the less other people are able to take advantage of us. I said it numerous times already, but.. Language is powerful.


yup I know about this already..and it is also connected to the word "rhema" which some say is the direct word coming from God himself. It is good to know that someone here is studying about it.God bless you.

Word! You just earned another follower cause you taught me a new word and cause you know about this kind of stuff already, I need to follow and surround myself with more people who are into language!
I was unaware of the word rhema! But that's fascinating. I looked it up and it lead me to a few other words I need to look into. Thanks! Also thanks for the blessings.. Though.. Do you know the word bless possibly comes from bloody sacrifice? Heh.. That's an interesting word to look into if you haven't yet!
Cheers and.. All the best to you. :)

wow it is new to me.. never thought that it really came from it... I think I need to dig down it too... one of may friends is facinated on greek word so i have some knowledge about it haha. hey thanks for following me. deeply appreciated ...

really nice history. i like this post..

Absolutely interesting historical post you share. Nice to reading. I am so excited.

That would be a great observation! How could you allocate such time to read those things, actually with my life style I have no such time for reading a novel atleast :/ Great work friend! Thank you very much for sharing such great readings with us!


@apolymask - Sir it's an interesting topic with nice history facts.... Nice you decided to share it Sir....
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