Exploring the words "son" and "sun" a bit.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

More etymology type stuff! :D

The other night for some reason I thought of the word "sun"..
I forget why.. Maybe I was listening to a song with sun in the lyrics or something..
Anyways.. I was like.. Wait a second.. "S"un.. "S"nake.. "S"atan "S"lither "S"in "S"on...

Hmmm... As some of you know I made a post not too long ago about how I found out that it appears as if the letter S represents a snake.
It looks like a snake and it's found in all these "snake" "slither" type of words.

And how our money sign this one $.. Is very possibly the snake wrapped around the tree from the biblical stories.. I found ancient coins depicting this.
SO.. If the letter S is connected to snake, and it's no accident that words like Snake, Satan, Slither, and Sin start with that letter..

Then.. What about Sun and Son?
Are sun and son also connected to the snake?
Is this perhaps connected to why so many people consider "S"un worshippers as "S"atanists?

Hmmm... I've mused on this before, but.. I think it's very possible that early Christianity was hijacked by Satanism and that people have thought they were following Christ for thousands of years but are actually following Satan.

I know a lot of Christians don't like to hear that, and I apologize. But it is a theory of mine whether it's true or not I can point to a LOTTTTT of reasons why I think this is the case.

And even in the bible it mentions to be careful of false preachers and that Satan is like a super tricky clever fellow, so.. What could be more tricky and clever and more of a false preacher than those who preach for the church and the official accepted bible?

I think it would be ingenious. That would be the ultimate trick. And I've said it before as a poetry-esque line but.. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was making God forget who it is.

It's my opinion we are all expressions of God, and "Satan" as well, these are dual qualities within all humans. We can all be good and bad.

Thing is though, the bad side has gained dominance in the world. And many use Christianity as a way to cloak their evil, whether it be dropping bombs on little kids in the name of God or something like the theory I mentioned about the bible itself being a tool to confuse and corrupt peoples morality.

And if you wanna get into a debate about ethics and the bible, cool. I generally think Christians are more moral than regular folk, however.. Christians are also some of the worst abusers..

So no.. Generalization or stereotype works there. It's a mix. There's good and bad. What the proportions are I can't say, though I'd say the good are much fewer than the bad from personal experience.

Okay.. Moving on.. Don't wanna get bogged down in that and I wanna focus on the sun/son stuff.

Image doesn't belong to me I got it off of google images in a fair use educational sense.

Let's see what etymology says about these two words, then I gotta go cause I'm busy and I wanna actually get out in the sun today, lol.. Been such a vampire lately.. :|

"sun (n.) Old English sunne "the sun," from Proto-Germanic *sunnon (source also of Old Norse, Old Saxon, Old High German sunna, Middle Dutch sonne, Dutch zon, German Sonne, Gothic sunno "the sun"), from PIE *s(u)wen-, alternative form of root *sawel- "the sun."

Old English sunne was feminine (as generally in Germanic), and the fem. pronoun was used in English until 16c.; since then masc. has prevailed. The empire on which the sun never sets (1630) originally was the Spanish, later the British. To have one's place in the sun (1680s) is from Pascal's "Pensées"; the German imperial foreign policy sense (1897) is from a speech by von Bülow."

This is interesting... It looks like the sun has been both feminine and masculine throughout time..

Generally the occult seems to refer to the sun as masculine and the moon as feminine, so... That's a lil confusing based on what I've understood. BUT.. It isn't that surprising.

The "sun" is the lifegiver, I could see how it could be a sort of dual gender thing just like I see how "God" could be and how oftentimes the occult see their Gods like Baphomet as dual gender.

"sun (v.) 1510s, "to set something in the sun," from sun (n.). Intransitive meaning "expose oneself to the sun" is recorded from c. 1600. Sun-bathing is attested from c. 1600."

This is also sort of interesting, sun in a verb sense means to set something in the sun... Sort of like.. Sun tanning, or sun cooking, or what not.

So.. If I were to say, I'm going to sun you! It would mean I'm going to set you in the sun, lol.. BUT.. If you look at it like you're having a child.. Then bringing that child out of the mother into the "sun" would almost be like a metaphor for coming into life and existence itself.. (assuming the child wasn't born in a cave or a house or whatever and out in the actual sun, lol.

Though I guess at some point eventually they will be set in the sun or else die because I don't think we can live without sunlight? Not 100% on that but I'm pretty sure we NEED the sunlight)
And I personally think this is perhaps where the word "son" came from.. But.. Lemme look that word up next!

"son (n.)
Old English sunu "son, descendant," from Proto-Germanic *sunuz (source also of Old Saxon and Old Frisian sunu, Old Norse sonr, Danish søn, Swedish son, Middle Dutch sone, Dutch zoon, Old High German sunu, German Sohn, Gothic sunus "son"). The Germanic words are from PIE *su(e)-nu- "son" (source also of Sanskrit sunus, Greek huios, Avestan hunush, Armenian ustr, Lithuanian sūnus, Old Church Slavonic synu, Russian and Polish syn "son"), a derived noun from root *seue- (1) "to give birth" (source also of Sanskrit sauti "gives birth," Old Irish suth "birth, offspring")."

Hmm... Unfortunately I can't gather much from that.. Could descendant have something to do with the "sun" descending in the sky? Or am I just reaching a bit too far trying to find something here?

Cause.. Also.. Something I thought of before about the previous verb of sun and almost forgot is.. The "set" part..
"Setting" something in the sun, this also lines up with "SUNSET"... AND, SET was the Egyptian God of like.. Darkness sorta. Horus(hours,horizon) would battle with him and all that stuff..

Also we have.. Ra the sun god = Rays, Sun rays.
Definitely can't help but feel like these words are all related to Gods and the stars above and time.
Plus... This may sound bizarre, but I think there's possibly a connection here with the snake and a "son" or male, and their.. "Junk". Lol.

The occult seems obsessed with sex magic and sexual body parts and blah blah blah.. So..
I think the snake could have a connection to the male snake guys have in their pants, lol.

Language really is crazy once you get deep into it.. I've pointed out how so many of our most common words have origins in regards to.. Uhh.. "creation" or "reproduction".

For example.. Season comes from semen, so does seminar and semester, pencil comes from penis, avacados mean testicles, testifying in court is also related to testicles and probably because they used to grab their balls when they would swear an oath or whatever.

I could go on and on and on.. So many regular every day words originate from sexual stuff and most people have no idea what they mean.

I totally think the S could partly also represent the phallus and thus this picture starts to become painted of what seems to be a portrayal almost of men being satanic or.. Bad?

This might sound insane, but gimme a second here.. a "S"econd.. Pay attention to the S's..

Sex. Separation. secrete, six, second, Satan, sin, slavery, secret, scars, stress, suffering, shame, suicide, sick, sinister, sacrifice, September, snake, strike, savage, sneak, spy, scandalous, steal, slither, sun, son.

Hmmm... Definitely paints an interesting picture especially if you've gone deeper into the etymology of some of these above words like I have..

Can't help but get the feeling our ancestors language was portraying men and masculine energy as more "evil" for lack of a better word.

I would just like to end this with a disclaimer that people in the occult generally don't see snake as a bad symbol, it's a positive symbol and they often don't see Satan as bad either, they see Satan as a positive or needed force.

So.. While to the Christian viewer this may seem perhaps a bit alarming, to those with different eyes to see it's not such a nefarious thing.

Though still a very curious one to me! I dunno whether it's positive or negative or both or neither or something else entirely.. It's fasctinating to think abhout though! Hope you learned something interesting and it wasn't a total waste of my time typing all this up. :D

However, it's really confusing.. I'm hesitant to say much more without thinking about it a lot more.. The sun being both masculine and feminine at different times complicates this theory.

But.. Perhaps.. Part of their system of control involves changing out language over the years as we go into different zodiac signs.
For example.. The language during the age of aries might me much different than pisces and pisces might be much different than the age of Aquarius.

Additionally.. All this information is so old, thousands of years.. We can only guess. A lot of this stuff is just guess work, who knows what it really means. -.-

Still fun and "enlightening" to try to figure it out though. :)
K.. I think that's enough for now. I expected to find something more enlightening from this search, but.. I guess this one wasn't that exciting in terms of discovery.


I don't think that your theory is too far off. I think that religion, and especially Roman Catholics, has been totally hijacked. Great post brother! Thank you

Agreed. The Roman Catholics definitely messed things around a bit! It's sort of difficult trying to figure out what their intention was in some ways, in other ways not so difficult.. Essentially they wanted power and control. At least based on my guess.

Thanks for the thoughtful response and glad you appreciated! You're welcome as well! Hope you're doing good man!

Here is the thing bro: the 99.99% of catholic sheep have no idea what the Satanists and Pedofiles in Vatican are up to. And not even most of Vatican knows, just the top reptiles. Check this out: huge audience hall in Vatican: if this is not built to celebrate the reign of reptilians then I'll be damned. The whole leadership (not only religious btw!) is totally rotten and ritualistic. Betrayers of Humanity.

Wow bro this is a great topic! When I called my son, how many times I got this question! Why there are son and sun, both pronounce as the same! You gave the answer! Excellent work bro!


Wow very interesting.. guess there’s no way to know. Thanks for sharing and steem on :)

Hi. I read the book of Pistisophia. This reading reveals that the devil and his region have always been there. For me, they have not been to divide and contradict the other side. They also have a mission: evolution of being.
Talking about the son and the sun, your proposal is possible: I see that they represent separation and man has to be together. regards

It is about making you think from a different perspective..
have a nice day

Amazing publication Thank you for sharing I appreciate your great effort

Yes words are correct and I can add When we unite for Christianity or another religion, it is necessary to deduce what is positive. All things can be right or wrong, but we are the ones who deduce what is right and what is wrong,
Thank you for your great and useful publication

I wouldn't say all things can be right or wrong, but I would say that all things can be right or wrong depending upon how the individual looks at it.
The reason I make this distinction is because there could indeed be a universal sort of "right and wrong" despite mans ability to veer from it.

wow..!!!! what a great post @apolymask . i like your post . thanks for share the post.

I was asking to myself...
Would someone really read this whole post.
I've got really bored in the middle.

The most significant truth I could extract was
"Satan is like a super tricky clever fellow"

Greetings from a far-off land!

Sorry language and history and etymology bore you, I find these subjects fascinating.

"I find these subjects fascinating"

That's probably the most important reason to write a post.

So... Keep on writing!

weill i like yu thery .. i dont havt that much experince in roman so far but still like the post

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