Even more Etymology!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Another quick etymology update.. Yesterday I realized the word "infantry" in terms of the military is an interesting word.

It has a lot of connection to children, especially in this day and age, but in etymology it means "unable to speak"..
I compared this with "soldiers" which could mean either "soul diers" or "sun diers".

I also mentioned dog tags and how it is believed the elite look at their military as pets..
And how it is claimed they almost hate them the most because they are the stupidest and most willing to do the most evil without good reason.

Some of this is coming from Mark Passio who claims to be an ex satanist/occult member who was in the mix of some of these big names.
He claims the elite hate them the most.. And this further leads my opinions in that direction.

So I mentioned I wanted to look up some other etymology, like "troops" and stuff... And.. I'm not sure how deep I wanna get right now..
BUT.. I did real quick go and look up the etymology of "troops".. And.. It's I would say.. Along similar lines, not QUITE as bad as "infantry"...
Though it is bad in my opinion and I would not want to be refered to as part of someones "flock"..
Troop in etymology based on my quick search means.. "flock"...

Very similar to how figures in the bible referred to their followers as "flocks" like both Moses and Jesus used such language.
So here we have this intersection, that is really fascinating.. You have essentially.. The followers of ancient holy figures, being referred to as basically the same thing as militaristic armies..
Just checked "army" and, on my quick look it means something like.. "to fit together"..

But when I look at it..My metaphorical poet mind can see.. The "arm" as an extension of the "elite"..
Much like the "flock"(troops) and "unable to speak"(infantry) are tools, the "army" I would liken also to a sort of arm of the power structure.

I have a feeling some of the other branches have interesting etymology as well, but a lil busy so not sure when I'll get to a deeper look.

Now.. I dunno about you, but.. Once again.. I don't wanna be a part of anyones flock, I'm not a fucking sheep or a slave.
I'm an individual.

If you wanna be a collectivized tool of the most evil hideous disgusting putrid fucking pieces of shit in the history of the world..
BY ALL MEANS.. Go sign up and sign your "sol/soul" away. Likewise, if you wanna be a follower instead of an individual, go subscribe to any mainstream religion as well..

You're all fucking flocks for the people who know how to really think and use their brains, you are livestock for the elite.
You are a resource, they don't give a fuck about you, they don't give a fuck about you!

Religious followers = flocks.
Military followers = flocks, and I could say the same about politics and most other aspects of life..

Seems like most people just wanna follow and be herded and blindly accept what other people believe, say and command.
Seems like rarely do people get passed all the cultural programming and indoctrination enough to make much of a significant difference in regards to the power structure!

Learn to think for yourself please! Before we fucking extinct our species!


Great post buddy. I'm really interested in etymology nowadays and loved your article as it showed me another couple of things I didn't know. could you please let me know where you got this information though. I would like to add that it would also be wise for anyone interested in etymology to look into legal definitions of words such as 'person' or 'apply' or 'register' for example. Great post! cheers

Thanks! Always glad to hear when others are interested in etymology. It's such a fascinating subject in my opinion. Especially cause I love language and I'm a pot so I'm always looking for more ways to use words and it's like a treasure chest in that way and so many other ways.. Just in like understanding existence more and history and deeper meanings and things..

Not sure what sources to give, it's a fringe subject. One you might be aware of is Jordan Maxwell but I don't use him very often, and two other guys are Truthiracy and.. Lifting The Veil / Cullen Smith
Both on YouTube. I wouldn't take 100% of what they say, do your own research. But some of it is great! Some really fascinating possibilities in there and I haven't got through all of it. There's a treasure trove of info there heh..

But..I'mat the point where a lot of these I'm finding myself now.. Once you develop more of an eye for certain things, it more starts coming to you naturally to an extent.. Maybe you know what I mean. But a lot of my studies evolved kind of naturally.. Like I just started seeing symbols in new ways after a certain video opened my mind to the possibilities, and... Like I'd see the A in the alphabet for example is sorta like the pyramid on the dollar bill. And so many people mention the pyramid on the dollar cause its more obvious and on money, but.. the first letter of the alphabet is pretty obvious too, once you have the eyes to see it. There's a lot more in regards to how it breaks down into individual letters, and perhaps words are hidden in the alphabet as well. I have a suspicion this might be a sort of slave language, and the elite user older languages that are more sophisticated.. Whether true or not, they do seem to use a lot of ancient language.. And they understand it a lot more than most average people. Going down this line of study can be fascinating.

I will check out the etymology of those words you mentioned. Thanks!

I'm aware of Jordan Maxwell and obviously, whilst there is valuable information to garner there, my spidey sense plays up every time I hear him speak as I am skeptical of his true agenda. Haven't heard of the others but will definitely give them a look. You're absolutely right, it's a fascinating subject and some words such as 'signature are so everyday that its hard to see the true meaning and importance of the word. I have seen this word a million times in my life but only recently understood that it was a ' sign of nature' and represents the mark of a living person. It is quite a tricky subject to research but enjoyable. If you're interested in etymology you may also be interested in gematria which is the study of numbers and their meanings. If you are not aware of this you may want to check out martyleeds33 on youtube. He has a lot of very useful information and knowledge on the subject. An even more complicated field of research than etymology, atleast for me but I feel that this is also a very important communication tool used by those in 'power' which demands a closer look.

thanks for your reply buddy. Hope you're having a good day wherever you are.:)

my spidey sense plays up every time I hear him speak as I am skeptical of his true agenda.

Agreed. Same here. Something seems off about his voice and he seems friendly with some big names.. Almost too friendly.
But definitely some interesting info. I need to spend more time on the maritime law stuff.

The signature/sign of nature is awesome!
Did you figure that one out yourself or hear it elsewhere?
I looked up the etymology and could only find that it means mark or sign.. But.. That is really interesting and it makes sense in a metaphorical sense if you think about it.. We're all nature and it's our nature sign so to speak. or our sign of nature. Hmm. Fascinating.

I am interested in gematria but haven't got very far there yet.
Also have seen a bit of martyleeds work and I find it really interesting, but.. Math isn't my stong point.. A lot of this complex math stuff, just.. Goes a bit over my head unfortunately, maybe later in life though! Seems like important stuff for the physical realm.

You're welcome. Thank you for your reply as well! And I hope you're having a good day/night whatever time it is where you are also!

PS.. I plan on making a post later today (this evening more likely MT time) about some more interesting etymology finds.. These ones kinda blow my mind as well but.. Still trying to make sense of it all, this one is really fascinating though, lol. I dunno how many times I can say fascinating and interesting in one response.. But yeah.. It's a fascinating and interesting subject. :)
But yeah.. Keep a look out for one of my next posts, I got some more neat stuff coming. ._.

Oh.. By the way.. For some reason I guess I wasn't following you. I am now! You earned another follower on here by being super cool. :)

I will certainly keep an eye out for your next post buddy!

Marty Leeds seems like a good guy and breaks things down really simply.....just not simple enough for me either. It can be very confusing but I definitely think there might be a relevant aspect to it.

The signature thing was something I was found on a random youtube video and made me smile due to how obvious and hidden in plain sight it was. Maybe I am over analysing things but I do know from personal experience that our signatures are very powerful things in this commercial and corporate world and should not be given lightly.

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