Are you in a secret society?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago


I used to think that secret societies were sort of a silly subject to discuss even though I did believe there were secret groups at the top in power.
I mean it just made logical sense that there would be secrecy at such levels of government for its own preservation.

But on another hand it didn't make logical sense that I or almost anyone else in the public realm could know the names of these groups or much about them at all due to the nature of secrecy in the first place.
Though in the last couple years.. It has become abundantly clear to me that there are a lot of secret societies, probably thousands of different ones and millions of members in the various groups.

I used to sort of joke about the Illuminati and still do at times, though now I realize they are a real historical group..
Whether they are still active today in the world or not is another thing..
Though.. Even just recently we had an election in the US where both members were admitted Skull and Bones members.
No matter who got elected in that case, Republican or Democrat.. Skull and Bones ultimately got elected.

And I think that's an incredibly important example to show you to highly how most of politics likely works, both in the US and outside it.
Many people think they are electing or getting someone who is publicly claiming to be belonging to one party or mindset, while secretly holding a higher oath to their secret groups and obligations.

Over 10 of our presidents were admitted Free Masons including the very first one, probably more. I wouldn't be surprised if every president was a Mason.
Tons of politicians, government officials, celebrities, famous people, sports players and on and on and on.. To pretty much almost every profession or walk of life you can find.

Their symbols surround us on our money in our language and alphabet in the buildings and statues and music and movies and even childrens toys and cartoons and comic books and things like that..
It's insane if when you really start to realize just how much of a secret world there is to mirror the public visible one.
It's monumental, it's almost everywhere.. Just like secret society members themselves..
Almost anyone you know could be in a secret society and you might not even know it.. How would you.. Unless they told you and admitted it..?

So.. Are you in a secret society? If so, feel free to say hi. I would be happy to have a brief chat with you.
I think it's important to more further try to bridge the gap between the secret world and the public one.

I have numerous friends in secret societies, and they often seem to feel like or express to me that.. They are misrepresented in society and there's a lot of unfair conspiracy theories and stereotypes.
And I sort of tend to agree, not all secret society people are bad, some are good and most probably believe they are doing good one way or the other.

While I think we should bring more out into the open and the light, and while I don't ever plan on joining a secret society myself..
I do think that trying to befriend and talk to and try to understand and open more of a dialogue between the public and secret societies is one of the most important things we can do.

There's too much secrecy in the world, too many adults are kept infantilized to the reality of the world, I think things like 9/11 will keep happening and be much more able to happen the more the public is kept ignorant and in the dark..

I can understand secrecy to certain extents, but we definitely have too much secrecy in government, I think we deserve to know all but the most sensitive of information like weapon launch codes and troop locations, things like that.
So.. The more we try to bridge this gap between the public and the secret world, I think the better we will all be.


I’m not sure it’s good or not because secrets don’t always end up on a good path . Sometimes it’s beter to be part of a society where there aren’t jsut “some” who know . I would want to be part of society that protects me not one that has secrets

At what point are you willing to lose your freedom and embrace secrecy to be protected?
Cause that's essentially what most governments do, they claim to offer protection, but it comes at the cost of freedom and secrecy.

Seems like life is a crazy juxtaposition of personal subjective ideas about the self and others and then there are the so called objective ideas which don't really exist because it's all opinion based truth and everyone has their truths. But I think power is hard to understand especially to those who don't have any of it so I'm not sure if I want everyone know everything I've ever done and if I do I'll write a book and post a blog. Oh yeah I do! Check it out at and Love you brother! Keep sharing!

So I take it that means you're in a secret society then? Just kidding. Though I'm not totally sure I agree, I think there might be some objective truths out there, even if we do only see part of the picture and can never see the full thing entirely ourselves.

Am I in a Secret Society? If I told you, it wouldn't be secret, would it? ;)

Secret society? uhhmmm... not for me. Would be interesting to talk to someone who is into it though...

Indeed. It is always interesting to me to talk to people in secret societies. I feel like I learn a lot!

Secret Society of one here. No new members allowed. A secret shared is not a secret, and I am a secret mulderite. It's a secret so I can't tell you. Enough of the fun,

the public is kept ignorant and in the dark..

Mostly of it's own choosing, we can all turn a light on if we want to, but most people find the dark and shadows more to their liking. We are born from the darkness, and thrust into sudden light that hurts and so we gasp and cry, thus it is part of our primordial memory, the warmth and comfort of the dark, the fear and loathing brought on by the light, so we really are not afraid of the dark, just the truth the light reveals.

Secret Society of one here. No new members allowed. A secret shared is not a secret, and I am a secret mulderite. It's a secret so I can't tell you. Enough of the fun,

That was one of the best responses I've got my entire time here on steemit.

I disagree with this part though.

Mostly of it's own choosing, we can all turn a light on if we want to, but most people find the dark and shadows more to their liking.

I wouldn't say mostly, not everyone can be at the highest levels of power, and those at the highest levels of power tend to want the people below them more ignorant so they can remain at the highest levels of power.

Though I do agree there is a lot more the average person could know if they wanted to and showed more interest in the subject.

We are born from the darkness, and thrust into sudden light that hurts and so we gasp and cry, thus it is part of our primordial memory, the warmth and comfort of the dark, the fear and loathing brought on by the light, so we really are not afraid of the dark, just the truth the light reveals.

This part was really fascinating and makes me think you've got a bit of occult knowledge whether you belong to a group or not. Perhaps you're just another researcher like myself, I dunno.. But.. Very poetic and powerful words, especially the last couple lines. Not that I necessarily see it as a perfect or proper metaphor for morality though. I try to not get stuck in "duality" so to speak. While it seems overwhelming that duality is an important aspect of existence, I think if you think like that too much you can put yourself into a more limited box. I try to think in thirds, or even fourths or more when applicable.

"a bit of occult knowledge " - - Just what I picked up from movies, a few books (not specifically on the subject), sci-fi mostly,and of course Art Bell Radio show, not so much from Mr Snoorey. And then things I would here when I worked or went to bars, or heard in the laundromats when I was younger. no real metaphor about it, just a simple observation of very ancient birth procedures, and modern ones. I don't think Ancient man was as afraid of the dark as modern man is, and the only real explanation i can see is the manner in which child birth is done in our "modern society".

Thanks for clarifying! You seem like an interesting one indeed. Umm.. I tend to agree about Ancient man, though a part of me is open to other possibilities.. I feel like we don't truly know a lot about thousands of years ago unless we were there.. And I'm not saying you're saying that either you clearly said you "think".. But anyways.. Can you tell me more about what you mean in regards to the child birth in modern society thing? Do you mean how different it is from the natural way? Like how artificial and everything? Or something else maybe?

As little as 300 years ago, most child birth was done at home, in comfortable surroundings, in low light conditions. It just seems to me that you would want to cause as little stress on a newborn as you possible can. Today we are born into bright light, slapped on the ass, and given shots with-in minutes or seconds of being born. We are taken away from the comfort of a warm body, and strong heartbeat, and placed in a shallow pan under bright lights, and a thin worthless blanket if you are lucky thrown on top of you. You are held next to a warm body for maybe 6 minutes, before being thrown in a room full of other traumatized newborns.
Somehow I doubt that we have improved childbirth very much over what it used to be. I know infant mortality we are told in those times (pre-western medicine) was not very good. I don't know how many or percentage wise what the death rate of newborns, (within hours), was, but I doubt it has improved much with modern medicine. We still lose women to childbirth, we still lose newborns hours after childbirth.

Experts can tell us that infant and child mortality have vastly improved over the last couple of centuries, but was it because of modern medicine, or because we learned to be a little bit cleaner?

That's a really powerful point..Fortunately I was born naturally and outside of the hospital, no vaccines or any of that stuff. I wonder sometimes if it has anything to do with why I seem so different than most people. I dunno, but I do think the more natural method is better and if I ever have a child I would want it to be a natural birth not one in a hospital.

Also in regards to your last question.. I tend to think probably cleanliness had a lot to do with it.

Great post can I get your permission to resteem this post?

Thanks. And yeah sure, feel free to resteem.

Okk bro thanks

What do u think about illuminati , is this a power or jokes

I don't know if they are still around, but they are a real historical group that was founded by Adam Weishaupt around 1776 the same year the US declared independence interestingly enough.

The Illuminati were probably the first fully exposed secret society. When the Bavarian government cracked down on them, they managed to grab everything -- their rituals, their papers, record books, membership records -- all of it. There is a ton of actual literature about this, so it's baffling to me that people remain unaware. Go get a book from the library! You can read all of the Illuminati rituals and tons of stuff that Adam Weishaupt wrote about his philosophy and approach.

I'm not sure any secret society has been "fully" exposed, but I think I get what you mean, they exposed a LOT. However.. I would disagree a little bit and suggest the Knights Templar went through similar even earlier than the Illuminati.. To my understanding.. I would say it goes back at least to them in terms of similar exposure, and while I can't spak much on the D'jedi from ancient Egypt.. I imagine something similar happened with them as well. Though I admit I'm going out on a bit of a limb there. I don't know much about the D'jedi other than that is probably who Lucas based the Jedi from his Star Wars series on.

Not that :)
but would like to if I ever decide in the near future ;)

With the invention of internet and companies spying on us by various ways, there is no secret society concept left here.

Not sure what you mean? There's thousands of secret societies and millions of members around the world.

I believe there are certain things that are better kept hidden from the public. It sucks, but we live in a world where the gross of the population couldn't locate Saudi Arabia in a map but they could dance you the whole "Despacito" song with lyrics included. So when you are thinking about change, you have to either come up with a watered-down version of what is it that you want to accomplish , so that they understand what's going to happen, or you just have to lie to them and just do things your own way.

Take for example the population problem. Our numbers are growing exponentially. But can you explain to people that they should not have children? heavens, no! They would freak out. "Are you telling me that you want to inoculate me with a vaccine that would render me sterile, so that other people's children and grandchildren can live in a world which is not depleted of resources? FUCKING NO, my body, my decision! I want to have ten kids and feed them all!"

Some times you can't tell people all the truth, unfortunately.

You have some interesting points, and while I think the earth could hold a lot more people if we lived in more harmony with the planet, there definitely is an aspect there of people being so ignorant and stubborn that they don't really care what happens to the environment or rare species of animals or our air and water and food as long as they get to watch sports games and Jersey Shore or whatever. It's frighteningly sad and would be comical if it wasn't so horrible and tragic.

Though ultimately I agree.. I think the only way people can live in better harmony is if they have the truth, if they are kept in illusionary worlds they will continue to destroy themselves and the planet by being out of balance and harmony with such.

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