A Satanic world?

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Some people might see a quote like this from Lavey and think.. Ah.. That's nothing to worry about! Satanists are fringe and there are too few of them to ever really substantially impact society.

All the while failing to realize that they themselves are likely Satanists and most of the whole world as well.. Even most of the Christians.


Additionally some Satanists might see my comments and think I'm fear mongering or presenting them in a bad light.
And to be fair.. I don't think all Satanists are bad. I think some of them are very reasonable and have well thought out and respectable positions.
BUT.. Similar to Christians, they have flocks of lesser evolved individuals who.. Abuse the name.

The respectful Satanists would likely say "they are not true Satanists" just like a Christian might say that about a seriously ethically compromised Christian.
And.. I think it's important to sort of make the distinction here between.. Regular honorable Satanists.. And the "dark occult".

I believe the dark occult goes back thousands of years and it's the true power structure, so this "image of Satanism" for the masses that is sort of sterilized and made to be presentable for consumption of the masses in my opinion is sort of just another word for sociopath, or hedonist or narcissist.

The dark occult are basically just ruthless evil people who have no values other than the desire for as much power as possible.
Yet, the Satanists.. Are sort of the.. "environment" that makes it conducive for the people in power to do what they do.
For example if everyone is corrupt and immoral, how can they judge their politicians and leaders for doing similar?

Theoretically they still can, but it doesn't carry as much weight, and.. The Satanist/hedonist/sociopathic/narcissistic "environment" just provides and allows for the people in power to do more messed up stuff, cause it's been "normalized" to an extent.

When it's business as usual, few people question it. And that's the idea I think.. To make corruption business as usual, so the corrupt can keep doing what they do.. And in order for that, they need a majority of the population to also be similarly minded.

Welcome to TV, and mind control and spells being cast on you you don't even know about. And when I say spell, it doesn't mean like Disney magic in the sense you might think, but rather.. Something closer to NLP and subliminal and supraliminal programming.

Some more quotes.

"The Tv set (is the) Satanic family altar."

"There are television sets in every home, every restaurant, every hotel room, and every shopping mall— now they're even small enough to carry in your pocket like electronic rosaries. It is an unquestioned part of everyday life. Kneeling before the cathode-ray god, with our TV Guide concordance in hand, we maintain the illusion of choice by flipping channels (chapters and verses)."

"The birth of TV was a magical event foreshadowing its satanic significance. The first commercial broadcast was aired on Walpurgisnacht, April 30th, 1939, at the New York World's Fair. Since then, TV's infiltration has been so gradual, so complete that no one even noticed. People don't need to go to church any more; they get their morality plays on television."

"It should be brought out that we not only condone, but encourage all types of what would be called sexual perversity and deviations because we feel that in a few short years it will be established that everyone is a sexual deviant and pervert.'

PS I wasn't able to verify any of the quotes but I assume they are all real as I have not seen any pages debunking them yet. And also it really lines up with everything I know about the subject and I assume they are legit quotes, either way.. Just please try to assume they are for the sake of this post and the points I'm trying to make.

I don't think anyone can really deny that culture has only got worse since I've been alive, I know it's pretty much always been bad and has never been perfect, but..
What I'm trying to say is.. When I was growing up, it was hard to find violence or sex or questionable stuff on TV or anywhere really, you had to like look in a biology book to find pictures of nudity even.

Now any young child can play video games where they go around murdering innocent people for fun, or they can go on the net and watch people choke and 50 shades of grey violent porn within a couple clicks and keyboard button presses. Or worse they could find the deep web and find real snuff films and real horrible stuff that most people don't even want to think about.

Almost every woman I see wears those black chokers now which I'm pretty sure symbolize they're into that BDSM stuff and then look at our diet as well, it's an automated horror film nightmare.
People walk around the stores collecting body parts of animals to munch down on.. I mean.. If animal sacrifice is not Satanic.. I dunno what is.

Once again, let's be clear here.. I mean the "dark occult" the theistic sort of Satanists who truly do believe in evil things and oppressing others for their own gain.

So.. I just wanna finish this rant shortly by basically saying that.. Even though I don't watch TV anymore, and am very careful with what I consume on the internet for entertainment..

It's difficult to escape, it's almost everywhere and it has consumed our entire culture and world. Corruption has been glorified, and it's not cool to be someone who genuinely cares and wants to help others.. Nooo. No no no.. What's cool is being a total sociopath who is basically only motivated by their own pleasure and happiness and how much of that they can accrue in their life.

Even much of our entertainment, movies and video games have the sounds of abused and tortured animals and most people don't even know it or realize that the sounds that monsters or aliens make are usually animals in pain..

I mean.. It's everywhere, we're literally being fed violence and corruption and deception and immorality virtually everywhere.. In the music, the movies, the games, the food, the politics, the religions, the sports, the news, the commercials and advertisements and diet and sex and education and on and on and on.
As much as I dislike Alex Jones and believe him to be a Satanist himself.. I do agree that.. "There's a war on for your mind".

There's a battle for the control of your mind and the people in power want you to be more like them. Corrupt, violent, deceptive, and focused on carnal pleasure and happiness over ethics and honor and morality.

And like Mark Passio who was a former Satanic priest has said and echoed similar to Lavey.. It's been the plan of the Satanists for a long time now to infiltrate culture and take it over.

Looking at the world around me, I'd say they succeeded.. Seems like almost everyone is a hidden Satanist in disguise and they don't even know it.

Almost everyone is contributing to building and propping up this "Satanic" system.. And unfortunately very few are even aware of what's going on and choose to put themselves at risk to resist it.

It doesn't look good for those who still care about others and the state of the planet and who still have a functioning empathic system.
Rant over.


Makes me glad that we got rid of that TV years ago....

Good call! Lol. I used to keep the news on to stay informed and up to date on things, but.. Now that I've been without it for years.. I don't miss it. I feel a bit more at peace as well I think, or at least more focused and clear minded.

Highly rEsteemed!


Highly appreciated. :)

Things are sure different in just the past 10yrs it’s insane. Great Post!
Steem on :)

Indeed! Things have changed a lot. Thanks for the feedback jcsteem!

I don't watch tv anymore...this post scares me haha..

Probably a good idea.. And.. Sorry the post scares you! Though the reality of it all scares me and I wish more people paid more attention to it cause I think it's a serious issue, as well as other issues that people tend to avoid because they are difficult to look at.

Yeah...I guess that's just today's world...people want to just avoid things like these because they are too sacred...
You should have a look at my post...it's not so scary :)...you might like it...

Some time i scared i cant watch that some time i feel i m not scared i dont know why this happens with me

Wow. But that's still a very nice rant. I didn't even feel any rage/anger and such. 😅

Haven't been watching TV for years, maybe even a decade already. 😁 All I see whenever I find a TV are some worthless shows. Some are entertaining but some aren't worth watching at all.

Anything I watch/read is mostly my choice online too. Unless I go on Facebook, here and other social media. Well, I still get to see a lot of things to skip or read/watch.

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