Memo to Men

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)


(This content is intended for entertainment only. All other inferences are self-imposed.)

This is the angry Buddha inviting you to swallow discomfort, and discover the nonviolent dark side of authentic love:

Alright, where do we start tonight? I am so fucking tired of these dickless men. These men that can't stand up to women. They're just thinking:

"Can I put my dick in you? Can I put my dick in you? Can I put my dick in in you? I'll pretend to like you if I can put my dick in you."

And then they cut off their balls, they put them in some purse, and they post their picture on Instagram or some bullshit fucking place like that. And then as best they can tell their life is together. When are we going to wake up? When are we going to wake up and see the ways that the shadow of the feminine is running the show? The shadow of the feminine... The shadow of the masculine used to run the show: The destroyer. The shadow of the man would say, "I'm the man of the house. I will do what I want to do. My view goes. What I think goes. I'm putting my foot down." You know...all that jazz.

And then men would destroy. It didn't help that most of the men in the Western world: Right now is the first generation that didn't come home from a violent war with PTSD undiagnosed. So it's no wonder everyone's afraid of men. And toxic masculinity. After all these generations of good men going to war and coming back with demons... Nobody understands them so they drink a bottle and those demons come out. They smack the kids around. The women around. And now everybody's afraid. And there's still some of that go on, and that's the shadow of the man and it needs to be dealt with. And in many ways we are dealing with it. But what frightens me is that nobody seems to be willing to talk about the shadow of the feminine. When a man is aggressive, he pulls out his sword and just tries to cut your head off right in front of everybody for all the see. It's brutal and direct, like a penis. But a woman? No. Women never had the strength to fight directly. They had to learn another way to fight. They had to fight with poison. They come at you with smiles and charm and whispers and gossip and malice and when they kill you, you never know where it came from because they poisoned their love.

This culture...this culture is crumbling. It's falling apart because we don't have the courage to talk about the uncomfortable stuff. Like the shadow of the feminine. Yeah. I'm angry. I'm bitter, and resentful. And it all comes from love because I love women. Oh dear God, do I love women. Sometimes when I'm at school as a teacher, some schools are a little bit traditional and sometimes they'll have an assistant. Usually some middle aged, 50 something year old, woman in a kindergarten class. You know, homely, dumpy, looking completely non-sexy from every standard. And I'm not turned on by her. But in some of these traditional schools the kids will be running around and the assistant will be preparing food and just busying themselves with domestic work.... I'll tell ya, as best I can tell in the pit of my masculinity... when you see that woman...when you see a woman just of herself and working... Not that that's the place of a woman or that's where a woman "belongs." No, no, no. This is not a sociological bucket that I'm talking about. This is anthropological.

I'll tell you what, as a man, when you see a woman just taking care of those kids and tending to them and preparing food and just kinda busying herself over children, it doesn't matter if she's sexy or not, something in my soul says,

"Now there's something worth dying for. How do I give of myself to protect this beautiful thing?"

Watching a woman in her essence, being the best she can be, particularly as a nurturer. That sweet, nurturer that us men want to see and that we are happy to die for. That we've been grown to die for. This is not anti-woman. This is pro human. My God, do I love women. I love women. And all the hate and the bitterness and the anger that's all born out of love.

So where do we go from here? The shadow of the feminine seems to be running the day. Controlling what we can say. What we can't say. They come at us with good speech: "We gotta collaborate. We got to work together. We don't want to be unilateral." A lot of times those are just lies. They sound good: Sounds Good, Not True. S.G.N.T. Sounds Good, Not True. But we want pussy so we go along with it. We don't know how to say no. Us dickless men. I used to be one. I used to be one. And then I risked standing up and saying, "no." Oh boy did it cost me. I finally said "No." And the first thing these vicious mothers did was a run to the authorities and make up accusations. They love their accusations. That's the poison that they use today.

The shadow of the feminine poisons the social well. They whisper. They gossip. They create fear around you. They create doubt around you. And it works for them. With this generation of sociopathic, narcissistic women we think it's cute when a young pretty girl figures out that she can cry if he gets pulled over by a cop for speeding. She can cry and get out of the ticket. We say, "Ha! That's so funny!" No, that's sociopathic. Do you think that shit just stopped? Do you think those girls just stopped with the police officer when they were 19? Just cry, get out of a ticket. What? Do you think their character just magically changed? No, they're still playing the same game, they've had longer to hone it and longer to perfect it and they've had every media outlet reinforce it.

The shadow of the masculine...The shadow of the masculine used to say, "I'm the man. I'm the head. I make the final call." That was just the shadow of the man not wanting to give up its power. No human wants to give up their power. Or if they do, then their remarkable like Nelson Mandela. The shadow of the feminine doesn't want to give up their power either. They don't want to give up their power. Nobody wants to give up their power. But the shadow of the feminine is so indirect. The essence of the feminine is indirect. With togetherness, like a vagina. Where do you think the "togetherness" of coitus comes from? From the penis? No, no, no, no, no. The vagina brings the togetherness. Togetherness is the essence of the feminine. It can be used for good and for bad. It can be used to heal, like stitching together a wound, or it can be used to devour. The essence of togetherness like a resting vagina where all the walls are stuck together. It's just the essence of togetherness and these little girls come into the world, born of the essence of togetherness. And their essence of togetherness can be used for good or can be used for bad. And the opposite. The male, the penis. That's not togetherness. That's individual. That's aggression. That's the tip of a spear. It's the divider. It breaks open the vagina, it widens it, it inserts itself into the togetherness. And then there's harmony. And then there's life.

So all you dickless men with your balls buried in some purse. What are you gonna do? MGTOW movement is not the answer, although it does make sense because it has become unprecedentedly dangerous for a man to be in a relationship with a woman. She has so much social credibility. She can ruin you. Most any woman can ruin a man with a whisper because #BelieveAllWomen #MeToo #Patriarchy. Don't fall for that shit. That's the poison. The poison. You men. You need to learn. You know why you feel so resentful? Even those whose life they think is perfect? "I got it all. Why do I feel so shitty?" Ask yourself, are you a YES-man? Do you just "yes" your way through life? You "yes" your way into a woman's pants? Do you "yes" your way into a promotion? Do you just, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes? The feminized culture of today says, "We got to come together. We got to do it together" and there's truth in that. But any truth can be exaggerated into destruction. You need balance. You need harmony. And to find that you need rational, critical thinking that knows how the pause its fucking emotions for a second think with the amazing brain this earth grew for you.

So men and women, anyone, but particularly men, find your NO. Your NO is your value. You start with NO. That's where you begin: With NO. And your YES is your gift. If you are only yes, yes, yes, yes. And you don't have your NO, then you're just gift, gift, gift, gift. And if you don't have your NO, you don't have your value, and a gift that comes from something without value is a fraud. It's a counterfeit. It's a fake hundred dollar bill. And that's why you feel like such a foney. Its probably true that most all of you YES-men who just want to "yes" your way through life because you genuinely want to be a better man. And that's admirable, but you're taking your cues from women! They like the power of having you on a leash, pulling you around by your dick, by the leash between your legs. They like that but then they resent you because they don't want to pull it man around by his dick. They want to love the dick. So if you just, yes, yes, yes with no no. And you if you only give gifts without value. Then you are a gift without value. And then you resent yourself. You resent your life. Your partner resents you. And it's just a big resentment-fest. You've got to find your NO. Like the panther in the forest: How does a panther first greet you with? With a growl. You know that growl? It's deep and guttural in their throat. They're letting you know they're starting from a place of NO. If they wanted to do attack you, they wouldn't make any sound. What they're saying with their growl is, "Hey buddy. You cross me, you're going to get the worst of me, because I start from a place of NO." A wild beast understands its value and it will protect its life because it inherently understands its value. You dickless men don't have your value. You don't have your NO. You're just trying to crawl your way back into a vagina somehow. You've got to find your voice, men. You've gotta find your NO. Don't be brutal about it. Don't be mean about it. But practice it. Find that NO. Find your value. Only when you do that then your YES will be a true gift. It'll be a gift that you love giving. It'll be a gift that's loved when it's received because it will have value and because it'll be coming from something of value. And you women, if there's any that actually could listen this far, you've got to talk to your sisters. You got to challenge those ones that tell their stories:

" know...he's just I swear he's just like mentally ill....and he like pushed me....and it was violent...and like...really made me uncomfortable and all. So..."

Ask, "Really? What happened? Tell me the details." And if that lore and story has some holes in it, then you press them on it. Oh, that's rude. Oh we don't do that? No, no. We don't challenge each other on their bullshit. No, that's mean. So what we do is we enable others to live lives of bullshit. You don't have to be dickhead about it, but use your fucking head! So men, MGTOW (Men Go Their Own Way) up if you have to go your own way. Take your dick back. Screw it back on. Find your NO. It may cost you, but then the least you'll have something to show for it. Because the way we're going now is not sustainable.

Anyway. Maybe some of that resonated with you. We need to heal. We need to heal. And before we heal, we need to speak and before we speak we need to find our courage and before we find our courage we have to look at our fear and before we look at our fear men may have to consider the possibility of giving up some pussy for a little while. But my hunch is once we settle in, it'll come right back, all the wetter and the better and greater than anyone could have imagined.

I love you all.

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