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RE: The Mind's a Compulsive Liar - The Heart Tells the Truth

in #philosophy5 years ago

I am sorry, But your introduction itself doesn't make any relavance. Who says drunk people says the truth, I dont think anyone in this world may approve it. If that is the case no need of any lie-detector test etc and policemen have an easy job, just give few pegs of whiskey to suspects,
And next, you are saying broken souls speaks the truth, could it happen by default. No, it does not going to be applicable to all, is it?

I believe this is because the most fundamental truths emanate from our hearts, not our heads. The mind is full of lies -

On this, it is totally confused by mentioning head, heart and mind. I believe mind is an imaginary thing and if you are connecting all these w.r.t saying truth then logically it does not going to make any sense.

What is truth and identity you are referring, no one in this world is saints that live with utmost honest by expressing themselves what exactly they are. Normal human beings are bound to hide some facts and truth from others depending upon the situations and people around us, is it.

And to be honest I dont think that this post going to serve its purpose to the ordinary steemiens here, you are using bullshit, sledgehammer often in this post which really betrays the purpose of a beautiful subject.

I am sorry, by going through two to three times I can only say this, may be some intellectuals may get what you really want to convey.

Have a nice day


I am sorry, But your introduction itself doesn't make any relavance. Who says drunk people says the truth, I dont think anyone in this world may approve it.

It is something I have heard many times in my life. Perhaps it is a saying common to the United Kingdom. It is relevant because the post is about truth and lies.

If that is the case no need of any lie-detector test etc and policemen have an easy job, just give few pegs of whiskey to suspects,

I agree. It is not true that drunk people tell the truth. I think you're perhaps reading too much into it.

And next, you are saying broken souls speaks the truth, could it happen by default. No, it does not going to be applicable to all, is it?

I don't understand that. Could you attempt to word it in a different way if you can, and I will be able to better address your question. But, the word soul here is meant simply as a person - not a metaphysical object.

On this, it is totally confused by mentioning head, heart and mind. I believe mind is an imaginary thing and if you are connecting all these w.r.t saying truth then logically it does not going to make any sense.

I am not sure I would agree that the mind is imaginary. We use our minds to imagine other things. I will say, you could indeed be correct, but imaginary does not then mean non-existent. And the mind certainly has the ability to choose for itself what is true - we call these beliefs. The whole point of logic is to make sense of things, and a powerful logician can make sense of anything they choose to. But, as the whole point of my post is saying, that doesn't make it true. it is a truth we have chosen for ourselves using the toolkit contained within the mind.

And to be honest I dont think that this post going to serve its purpose to the ordinary steemiens here, you are using bullshit, sledgehammer often in this post which really betrays the purpose of a beautiful subject.

Yes, I said sledgehammer twice. I don't know why that would be a problem? But, I can see why some people would have a distaste for the language I used in this post. I just don't care. Words are words. It's our choice whether we want to be offended by them. The words themselves are innocent until we condemn them, and you can offend someone far worse with a series of non-offensive words than you can by swearing. So perhaps we should ban them all?

I am sorry, by going through two to three times I can only say this, may be some intellectuals may get what you really want to convey.

It's all good. It's a subject that isn't really provable and so I can understand why you have some reservations with it. It's me speaking from both my mind and my heart, about the relationship between the two I have observed in myself and those I have been closest to.

Thanks for reading and sharing your views-

I am not interested to make a rebuttel to the points you had mentioned here, I am absolutely fine with your points , your reply to my points I raised but I was just sharing what I felt.

See, the topic was interesting but the way you presented was felt like something totally not in the order or the way you presented it might be little difficult to get the exact way in which you wanted to convey it.

Looks at the first two reply from you, like

It is something I have heard many times in my life. Perhaps it is a saying common to the United Kingdom. It is relevant because the post is about truth and lies.


I agree. It is not true that drunk people tell the truth. I think you're perhaps reading too much into it

Doesn't it look totally contradictory with no similarity in between. So when your topic is as serious as mind, heart and brain etc was it better to avoid this alcohol stuff completely, instead just make an introduction just by saying I would like to convey this message through this post etc.

But, the word soul here is meant simply as a person - not a metaphysical object.

I understood this completely that you are referring to a human being, But do you believe that such people always say the truth and it is default set up in one's thought process.

Yes, I said sledgehammer twice. I don't know why that would be a problem?

You could try to use some alternate words and phrases or sentence to make it more appealing to all since you yourself admitting that many people had been pointed it.

Have a good day friend. Thank you

I am not so sure why you seem to have such a huge problem over what seems like something entirely insignificant. I mean, I appreciate the critique, but I am not writing for a Nobel prize here - it's just a spontaneous blog post that spewed out from my mind. I am not that concerned about vocabulary or that the introduction seems less serious than the rest of the post. This is my naked mind and if it displeases you, then that's unfortunate. But, it's not that huge a deal.

Don't take it seriously my buddy, as a Social Media platform and especially in a platform like steemit you are posting anything for other's valuable comments and upvotes. You are obliged to expect good and bad.

I was just sharing what I felt, if you feels that there is something which you could take it personaly take it otherwise leave it...

Anyhow ...Thanks ...Keep writing

Don't take it seriously my buddy


All good, man.

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