Secularism and Spirituality?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Hi, in this video I argue that secular society should fully allow all spiritual views but that ALL spiritual views should be kept out of politics and government and that government in secularism should be implemented via the best injunctions that logic and reason can 'dictate'....I argue that secularism today is far from that ideal, it appears we live under a corrupted secular order combined with undue influence from unprovable religious assertion. The latter is fine in academies but not in government. 


Thank you for the religious philosophy talk; I also see this as important in today's society

Fair enough: a cabal of Masons​, Jesuits, and Zionists are orchestrating all this mayhem in the name of 33...Honestly, to me, it looks like delusion.

What does it mean to be "in the name of 33"? Specifically, the only 33 I hear is the 33 degrees of Masonry or the 33 sections of the UN map which sort of relates to the 33 supposed islands outside of our known 7 continents according to some anti-globe earth believers.

That is the question, isn't it! From what I can tell it has to do with Mt. Hebron firstly, and then with the 33 columns of the human spine which is associated with Kundalini. These are facts but what they mean in relation to the Cabal is anybody's guess...
My opinion? Israel will have its Messiah and all this has to do with 'him'...Interesting times especially considering that there's next to zero evidence for 'supernaturalism​'.....
I get around that in my Gnosticism by saying most people on the planet today are not human in the way a human was intended and that there is sworn allegiance​ to a materialist version of reality among 'them'. Kind of like FightClub: they'll never tell the truth about these things. The TV. show V, too....That hints at the situation here. I'm not saying it's so but it's one explanation for how they pull off all their shenanigans! A Cabal of willing liars! It makes it extraordinarily​ difficult to get to the truth of any particular matter!

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