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RE: Are You Not Entertained? Physical vs. Intellectual Conflict

Sorry, the irony is rich in this one! The Ponzi scheme of Fiat currency aside, Friedman was one of the main promoters of Chicago School neoliberal policy which has effectively​ transferred wealth to the elites in the exact same manner money is earned in a casino. It, then, should be no wonder that the entertainment industry is modeled​ and run by the casino owners!
Now, of course, if you own the casino you couldn't be happier, no argument there​; but it' not a sustainable economic model, ​IMO., and will lead to ruin and a return of a brutal neo-feudalism​ as the energy supply which runs it diminishes......
And yes, I upvoted you and don't expect the same in return as this is Steemit!


I think Friedman got many things right and some things wrong. To throw out one idea because the source produced other ideas is a genetic and ad-hominem fallacy. He was for open, free markets. I have no issue with that at all because it increases human wellbeing.

Thanks for the reply, luke! However, you seem to have dismissed my most pressing point: neoliberalism did the opposite of creating free markets! It's led to a state run casino oligopoly. Ask Berwick if you don't believe me.
I don't see anywhere in my post a personal attack on Friedman, I've simply stated the fact of what his policies ended up being--a dismal failure, IMO......I've posted elsewhere that the Randian's took power and used the communist state to their benefit--this is the best definition of Trump/Ryan and Co.... Not very Randian and not very Marx.......
On fiat currency: if I had created that system I would have to take full responsibility for having created it.

Your post sounds to me like jargon and analogies, not points relevant to my post. Do you agree or disagree with the principles Friedman outlined in the actual video and if so, what, specifically? "Neoliberalism" doesn't mean much to me. It's just a label, a tool for tribalism. Same with "Randian" or "Trump/Ryan and Co" or discussing Friedman himself as if Statism is his fault.

If you're really interested in my perspective, check out the Matt Ridley books I mention here. They make a lot of good points, IMO.

I'm more with you than against you, Luke, as far as your ideals; I've even incorporated Maslow into my Global Commons Civilisation and I hope sport and entertainment can one day be moved out of the capitalist structure and into a 'becoming masters' civilization. This can't be done, though, within the current deep toxic structures of economy which exist today, IMO.....

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