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RE: Star Wars Philosophy

in #philosophy7 years ago

Discussion about morality aside, I don't view the Force as necessarily a living entity. Insofar as it exists within all living things, it does have a certain life to it, but it's less an entity and more a force (excuse the pun). I think of it as a natural force, rather than a spiritual one. In the same way handling electricity properly can allow one to harness its power safely and effectively, handling the Force properly (in the vein of the gray Force-users) can allow one to utilize it effectively and maintain balance in one's life. The Jedi and Sith are groups devoted to improper use or far too narrowly focused use of the Force.

I will say this, though: despite the many issues I take with the Jedi philosophy, they do have moral superiority over the Sith. They do not, as an ironclad rule, engage in aggression. Objectively, they are morally superior.


Interesting thoughts, it just seems that at the base all three factions kind of resort to killing for their ideology. Even the gray Jedi justify killing Sith and Jedi in the name of balance. There doesn't seem to be much of a passive peaceful existence as long as any of them exist and thus we find the paradox. Living and creating seems to imply on some level death and destruction, regardless of justification.

I'm not talking about killing necessarily. I'm talking about aggression, as Yoda famously noted "a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense. Never for attack." Any killing that isn't in response to an attack or aggression is ultimately unjustifiable.

They're explicitly anti-aggression. That's not to say that they're anti-violence (as is clearly demonstrated), but they believe in defense of self and others, not in initiating violence. By the only objective measure for judging morality, their philosophy is superior.

I don't disagree. It just seems to me that there should be a way to find common ground without the need to kill each other. It seems that their conflict was based on politics, imperial rule versus rebellion. I'd probably side with the Jedi before being a slave to imperial rule.

Maybe the Jedi's strict beliefs on morality create internal, self-inflicted violence as we see in Anakin's case. Would have liked to see him go the Solo route.

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