Applying the concept of a bank to our brain

in #philosophy6 years ago

I have been doing this shit for soo long but I keep failing!,I dont know end up getting the results I desire!,am getting confused by the day!,I dont know what to do!,what am I doing wrong?.

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These are the kind of thoughts that come accross our minds when we dont get desired results and feel like a certain thing we are doing is not working out.

Have we ever thought of the fact that our human brain might just be very similar to a financial bank and maybe if we understood this concept properly,we might find things to be a lot more easier.

Lets have a typical evaluation: our brain and mind are accepts and views deposits of knowledge and we can withdraw this knowledge when we feel we need it or if necessary to perform a certain task!

The above paragraph is the basic analysis but here are some other important things we should always try to put into consideration.

● We are able to withdraw only the worth of what you had deposited earlier!

We really need to realise that our mind is not a magical store of information,we are only able to provide an equivalent of what we had deposited into it initially,so if u had stored less or no information at all,dont end up dissapointed at the end of the day when u get nothing in return.

● Did you know? Interest applies on knowledge deposited!

A lot of people fail to realize this simple but very true fact!,just as a bank credit you interest for using your money or putting your money into good use by them,so does your brain add interest to your existing knowledge you have deposited earlier on.

But you definitely have to put it to good use [practicing] to get more interest and definitely more interest when u practice or impact other people with such knowledge.

In the same vein,if you fail to keep your mind up to date and utilize it accordingly,then the knowledge contained in it either remains constant or possibly decrease in value over time.

Lastly,our wealthy brain is like a reputable bank,if your brain is so rich of information,then expect people to patronize your bank which in turns earns you profit and move your company foward onto an entirely new level

In conclusion,I will just like us to reflect and realise that we have to work harder and build our brain and entire selves in general to be a successful bank that earns profit through the usage of what we have acquired.


Till the next time we meet,I remain my humbleself @amec


So much sense in this

Tnx sweetie

Nice motivation ban, more grease fi ya laife.

Nice post bro 💕 @amec

"Study to show thyself approved ", this quickly came to my mind reading this topic. The brain is indeed a bank although I don't know about the mind because the mind has power of it's own. The brain can't give you what you didn't give to it. You must invest if you want maximum return. Nice one @amec.

Tnx a lot for stopping by dear

You are right, sir

What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds

this is a really beautiful comment...tnx dear

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