Some Thoughts on Past & future!!!

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

At any certain moment, past and future are nothing more than obsessive thoughts in the mind. Past is no longer having a physical reality. Future has no physical reality and no way can someone define what form would future take. You can only think of past and future, and when you do you do this Now. All the images, thoughts, feelings, stories, worries and anticipations concerning past or future are running in the mind just now. They are not taking place in another time because there is no another time. Past and future are mental activities that absorb the whole of your awareness at the present moment.
When you look around carefully it is another reality than that goes on in your head.

As mental constructs, past and future are subjective. If two persons were asked to describe a certain event they had been through together, they wouldn’t give the exact description. Minds distort reality in favor of the ego, with time memories become less accurate which leaves us with illusory mental image of the past.

How many times you imagined a certain place only to find it completely different when you arrive? How many events you expected to go in certain direction then find it taking unpredictable one?
The images, thoughts and emotions our minds assign to future are repetition of the illusory memories of the past and have nothing to do with the no-where-to-be-found future.

The only moment of time that is there is Now. Now is not accessible through mind. It can only be grasped through your senses. Outside your minds there is no definition of past or future, in nature it is always Now. Animals, Plants, oceans, stars none of them knows a past or future life for them is now.

Life is meant to be one moment at a time and can’t be something else, so all aspects of life is what is currently here and now. That is why aliveness is to awake to the reality of this very moment, be in alignment with it and allow it to be the way it is.

Peace, Love and light,

Self discovery!
The Pain Body !!!

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