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RE: [PILOSOPHY] Free-Will vs Determinism - Round 2

in #philosophy8 years ago

My take is this:

  1. This is a simulated reality

  2. Most things that happen within the simulated reality, have causes from within it and as such they can be calculated deterministically if you know all the factors. So there is no free will.

  3. The individual can access a state of "more" free will once they break the cause/effect of this world, by tapping the quantum world - which, stated another way, is the world that exists outside this virtual reality program. In that world it is possible to do things that violate the natural causality of this world - because it's the level where the "code" of this reality is written (and can be rewritten). For example, an intuition that is channeled from outside this virtual reality, skips linear-time cause/effect deterministic knowledge. If I "connect" with my "quantum" self and it gives me intuitions that I then act upon in this mechanical reality, I'm starting to create "anomalies" in this plane of existence that then break up the regular operation of this cause/effect world - through the injected "uncertainty" from outside.

So you can have people living in a purely mechanical state and people in a mechanical state that can alter their pretedermined course in certain ways due to the layer above this mechanical reality. Hopefully it makes sense.

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