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RE: Randomness Doesn't Exist in The Universe; Only Choices + The Matrix Trilogy Ending Interpretation That Practically Nobody Seem to Realize

in #philosophy6 years ago

Every time we make a decision or choice, we are actually moving between alternate realities, between parallel worlds. In those alternate realities, there is another possible “you” who you can connect with so strongly that the conscious awareness and energy that is you literally moves into that other reality, quantum jumping in the process. When feeling so strongly connected to another self in a different reality, it is possible to gain direct access to the knowledge available only in that time and space and to experience an entirely different self.
So bottom line is, that we are actually constantly Quantum leaping between alternate realities, but most do it without noticing it and only very "small-scale" because of deeply-entrenched self-limiting beliefs, which means that huge Quantum leaps are out of reach for those people because becoming their most abundant version seems to outlandish a probability compared to how they experience themselves right now ( as a victim full of lack dependent on external circumstances), so they do not even dare to invest energy in the visualization of such possibility because they see it as a waste of time.

Those with the strongest visions are those who influence the collective most effectively. As their Vision/choice gets clearer and clearer it gains momentum, and more and more like-minded thinkers and believers find together so that the Vision/choice manifests quicker, and at some point a certain threshold has been reached where a huge leap in the physical takes place, like building tension and finally the big release.Those without a strong vision/choice ( the predominant part of Earth inhabitants, with all due respect without judgment :)) then simply go with the flow and accept the vision of others and live the vision/choice of others, and literally live in the dream dreamt by somebody else.

thanks for this very profound expansion of your thoughts on that topic, every word is met with Heart resonance ;)

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