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RE: A Center That Humanity Should Not Occupy

in #philosophy7 years ago

Sorry, not quite wrapping my mind around this one, probably too tired from a rough day. In any case, I think the center is the only thing which prevents the two extremes from killing each other. In the past, that space was occupied by God. I agree with your example of Big Pharma and herbalism working together to find the cure for the cold, and not giving a hoot who comes up with the cure. Whatever works. In Norway (where I used to spend a lot of time), they believed in pragmatism. i.e. find a workable solution and go with that. Perhaps this is what you are trying to illustrate? The results can be wonderful and meet needs you never really thought about, like the boot dryer that they came up with. BUT, people have to want to work together, and have to be willing to accept that solution no matter who it comes from. Sadly, if it is Big Pharma, there are loads of people who would reject it just based on that. Sad state of affairs, when people are so eager to cut off their own noses to spite their faces.


Thank you for the upvote and feedback @adjohmen. :c)

Don't worry! I wouldn't exactly call it light reading, and taling about shifts in perspective don't make for the easiest topics to embrace either. ^_^

Even though you claim to be tired you make some really good points. Yes people 'do' need to want to work together. It introduces the 'prisoners' dilemma' problem, where two persons might need to choose between benefiting from 60% alone or 100% together (simple example).

I mention Big Pharma for a reason - since the profit motive of corporate medicine can demonstrably run contrary to the interests of curing any given ailment. However you are correct in saying that rejecting Big Pharma because Big Pharma - is far from an ideal situation.

Big Pharma occupying 'the center' to the exclusion of others is also not ideal - as it itself is more concerned with raising barricades to the practice of medicine thand the actual curing of ailments (due to the conflict of interest with its corporate dominant side)

Lastly, a boot drier sounds helpful in a cold wet climate. ^_^

Thanks again for the feedback and if anything isn't quite clear then feel free to ask me about it. :c)

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