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RE: A lack of sensitivity: the emotionally stunted oppressor

in #philosophy7 years ago

This post made me think a lot... because I think I'm (or was) emotionally weak too. and I'm treating others with my own rules (you'll notice if you see a lot of my comments). I still won't say that they have to change their rules though... If they don't want to be treated by my own rules? "just don't talk to me."

What is wrong is to assume that those that make jokes about such things do not understand such things.

I totally agree with this line... actually I and my brother only joke on things we had bad/hard and can't do something about them... instead of feeling bad about them we turn them to jokes.

The world is a little bit of a mess if people haven't noticed, and a large part of that mess is caused by every person wanting to be emotionally protected no matter their position, no matter their behaviour.

I agree with that too... But not everyone is strong enough to handle emotional damage, yeah some people can be strong if they given the chance... others might break if they're not protected.

Most of those willing to joke about life's challenges, have already experienced the trials, been in hardship, suffered enough that they have looked deep into a mirror already, faced their demons and healed. This is why they can smile, this is why they are emotionally free.

And this ^ part supports what I said above about me and my brother.

The sad part... if there was a place that truly has "freedom of speech" that place will become very toxic... that most of people will run away from that place.

yeah I agree that we need more "freedom" but at the same time you can't let things like scammers/thieves/spammers/liars free to say what they want... they'll make any place worse if we let them.


I totally agree with this line... actually I and my brother only joke on things we had bad/hard and can't do something about them... instead of feeling bad about them we turn them to jokes.

At the same time joking about the past which you cannot do something about doesn't translate directly to joking about what you understand but merely on what you think you understand. Also joking about some trauma or hardship doesn't constitute healing the trauma that you're joking about or empowering you to deal with successive trauma better, it's all about intention when it comes to that, as is with jokes: you can joke to avoid understanding, or you can joke to incite deeper understanding (self inquiry).

We are all unique, what some think they understand might not jive with what other's think they understand even if they have been through similar things.

yeah I agree that we need more "freedom" but at the same time you can't let things like scammers/thieves/spammers/liars free to say what they want... they'll make any place worse if we let them.

You cannot stop liars, spammers, plagiarizers, and it shouldn't be our aim either, and freedom of speech is Present and Perfected here on the blockchain, every single moment because of that aim.

if there was a place that truly has "freedom of speech" that place will become very toxic... that most of people will run away from that place.

That is the fact here, not a hypothetical if.

You can comment and post and do whatever you want, to your heart's content more or less (you can even spam, but everyone gets the same bandwith more or less)

if there was a place that truly has "freedom of speech" that place will become very toxic... that most of people will run away from that place.

That is the fact here, not a hypothetical if.


You can comment and post and do whatever you want, to your heart's content more or less (you can even spam, but everyone gets the same bandwith more or less)

yeah, that's the best thing here...

And other things you said in this comment, makes me think more about it....

You cannot stop liars, spammers, plagiarizers, and it shouldn't be our aim either, and freedom of speech is Present and Perfected here on the blockchain, every single moment because of that aim.

EDIT: below is just ranting

I don't think we can stop them either... but at least we can restrict them?... well, I don't think that's fair too.... Freedom vs Security is a hard thing to balance.

I'll just keep what I'm doing... give "advice" when I see anyone doing something wrong, until we reach an agreement (or disagreement). If I was the wrong I'll be happy to change, but the definition of right and wrong is subjective... and it's hard to respect that.

Hope I (we) be better at understanding!!

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