The Natal Day

in #philosophy6 years ago

Today I mark another milestone in my life. I am a year older. Today 14th August 2018, I am also a year closer to the grave. True. Life is a two edged sword. There are always two sides to everything in life just as we have two sides to every coin. This fact, we cannot run away from no matter how much we prevent ourselves from realizing it or acknowledging it. It remains factual throughout our lives.


When someone is born, a new being came into the world. But in the seed of that life is embedded another seed. The seed of death. This truth is conveniently not considered because of the negative belief we place on death. But are we correct to do this? Is it not better to acknowledge what is inevitable and live with it? Plan for it or plan for the inevitable train of events that would lead to it? Yes, the definite chain of events leading to each person's death may not be known. But the general trend is to age, get a chronic ailment due to failure of organs that have served their purposes over the years and eventuality go down gradually till death comes. It may be different in some, it may come quite sudden and unexpected in various guises for the lucky ones. It may come at any age in accidental cases. The seed of death is always there and always grows within. We cannot run away from the fact.


So, as I rejoice today, thanking whatever God I believe in, for the days of my life and for favour already received since birth, I am mindful of the fact that I am closer to the grave by a year. I am cognizant of the fact that my organs that have carried me through up till this time are not meant to last forever. I am fully aware that one day I will close my eyes and not open them anymore on this planet earth.

Do all these make me sad? Do I become worried and all worked up? Of course not. How can I be worried about the tide that flows and ebb daily knowing it is how they are designed. How can I worry that the sun will set when I know that is the way it is meant to be?

But I am worried about one thing. I live my life and lay out my actions with utmost caution because of it. I prize my integrity. I prize my honor. My word given, is a bond. I do not lay my hands on the plough and look back. I believe that death has no sting greater than the sting of disgrace and dishonor. So I strive to live upright. I keep my words. And I do that which I feel is right for me and for mankind. For it is how we relate that counts. That is what we will be remembered for after we must have gone.

On this my Natal day therefore, I resolve to persevere in doing good, in upholding honor and integrity, and in being generally serviceable to my fellow mankind.

I wish myself a happy Natal day.

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