The Unsung Heroes: The Struggles and Sacrifices of Overseas Filipino Workers

in #philippines6 years ago (edited)


This was the comment that really upset and aggreviated me last night when I was scrolling my feeds online. This became my avenue to write this article.

Work is essential for everyone to have a better and stable life. For every Filipino in the world who is known to be very hardworking knows the value of every cents they made. Anywhere in the world, Filipinos are always present either big countries like USA, Japan or UK to the smallest islands of Guams and Marianas. Famously known as the OFW or Overseas Filipino Workers, a term applies for every Filipino who are abroad as citizens, permanent residents, employees or within work contract outside Philipppines.

Overseas Filipino Workers are definitely the unsung heroes of our contemporary world. They have such a tough jobs and yet gets a little recognition in their deeds. My brother is an OFW in Saudi and is currently working as a nurse that is why this matter is very dear to my heart.

The life of Overseas Filipino Workers


Tough and Challenging.The number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who worked abroad at anytime during the period April to September 2017 was estimated at 2.3 million. Working outside the country is no joke at all. The daily life and struggle of "OFW" is not easy, they work to foreign country and sacrifice. They go and find a job there, so that they will be able to earn money to support the daily needs and give a better future to their family left here in the Philippines which is very hard to imagine, right?.

Being In Overseas country there are many things you need to consider like the new culture you are in. Definitely you need to be vigilant with the different rules and restrictions. Then you have the language barriers. Working in non-English speaking countries can be very challenging. But you know what's the biggest challenge? It is the homesick from home, the feeling being away from your love-ones. These are some of the biggest sacrifices they made to have a better life.

When we heard of OFW we think that they are rich and successful which is the biggest misconception.Unfortunately, there are family who have relatives work abroad didn't know how's the life of being an Overseas Filipino Worker they didn't give value to all the sacrifices that they did just to give them a good and comfortable life here in Philippines. They just put in there mind that they can buy what they want and go where ever they go or buy those latest gadgets just to impress others, they don't know that sweat and blood flows to their relatives just to earn money.

Their Struggles

Leaving my Family behind
Being overseas Filipino entails a lot of sacrifices. That photo just illustrates the heartbreaking farewell of a father and son. Not seeing your love ones for more than year is just so painful. This just proved the strength and courage our modern day heroes have. My brother always emphasizes that when you became OFW you need to have courage and that mental toughness to persevere.

The Danger they are Facing


These Workers are definitely are facing danger everyday. Mary Jane Veloso who was save from Bitay was a breaking news before. Then recently the controversial case of Joanna Demafelis that LEDs worried attention and the sudden total ban of Filipino from working in Kuwait. Yes these cases are the scary proof of abuses, exploitation with our Filipino Workers.

According to the 2017 statistics, Some 130 Filipinos are in death row among 3,827 held in 52 countries around the world mostly due to drug-related cases as of 2016 and early 2017.

For one, it showed that 130 Filipinos are facing execution in 11 countries. Of this figure, 48 are “praying for clemency" in Malaysia, while 43 are awaiting either execution or "forgiveness" in Saudi Arabia.Meanwhile, a total of 137 Filipinos, 33 of whom are female, are serving life sentences abroad. The report bears some silver lining as it cited some 1,181 Filipinos who may be soon be out of jail and are awaiting deportation. We can conclude how many Filipinos are much struggling in different part of the globe.

Their Unsung Contributions


They played important role in our Economy
We all know how the country’s economy is kept afloat by the OFW remittances which continue to grow despite the odds. In fact, many experts feel that remittances should have been in a decline for the last few years. Yet, year after year, we are amazed that the amount of money being sent home still continues to surge, notwithstanding the situation of many of the countries that employ our brothers and sisters.

According to the article published by money expressed , Overseas Filipino Workers make up for one of the largest group of expat workers in the world as for statistics. OFW remittances still provide the growth that matters most in the lives of Filipinos. They go straight to households, to relatives, families and friends that use them to better their lives, to finance food, shelter, education and entrepreneurial pursuits. Money transfers from Filipinos working all over the world account for at least 10-percent of the country’s GDP, the second largest source of foreign capital after value-added exports like electronic components, and a major source of private consumption which in turn accounts for 75-percent of the GDP.

The impact of remittance on the Philippines economy goes beyond GDP. OFW remittances have contributed to a positive impact on the country’s earnings of foreign exchange. By substantially adding to the country’s earnings in foreign exchange, these remittances have contributed to the strengthening of the nation’s balance of payments position, bolstering the surpluses on current accounts.



Truly these modern day heroes are not just working for their families but representing the whole nation of the Philippines. Working with courage, honor and integrity.The hard reality is that OFWs may continue emigrating because of limited job opportunities at home but Filipinos are full of enthusiasm and are always ready to face the challenges in life.

Indeed, each one of them should be respected and give honored because of all the things that they did is not just only for their family but also to our country. Truly they embodies the ideals of modern day heroes! My salute!❤️

I hope you have learn something in this article! What's your thought?


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