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RE: 8 Success Lessons l Learned After Interviewing More than 20 Engineering Topnotchers in the Philippines

in #philippines7 years ago

One of the things I've noticed these days is that people want everything quick. We got used to this fast online world where with one click we can buy almost anything we want and by typing literally anything into google search bar we get an answer within seconds. Since many things have become so easy over the past years, people see a path to success also easier and that's a great myth. I love the #4 where you talk about sacrifice because I think we have to sacrifice today more than ever. With tons of opportunities come also tons of people who want to take advantage of them so we need to understand that market is full. Best way to sacrifice is to focus on where we are going. If the picture of our future goal is big enough, our willingness to sacrifice won't be so hard to reach. Great post. Thanks for sharing your research

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