The Cooperative Pledge

Every day when we pray, we ask for something good to happen to our lives. We seek refuge and hope that someone or something will come to help lighten our burdens each day.


Just like this very special moment when our humble electric cooperative has acquired two new vehicles to be used in line operations and maintenance to provide quality service that our member-consumers truly deserve.


We Filipinos have been accustomed to offering a thanksgiving masses for the blessings that come our lives like for instance in birthdays, Christening, blessings for new households and in this instance, the acquisition of a new service vehicle.


A blessing is not just money or any material thing that people wish for. The best blessing is you sharing yourself with the world.



Remember never to pass up a chance to help someone in need. No matter how simple the task is, every little act of kindness counts.


Would you believe that a simple smile could be a great help or blessing to someone who badly needs it at that very moment?

We are one. We are QUIRELCO(Quirino Electric Cooperative). And we are here to give light the people of Quirino!

I hope you liked my post.

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