Start FRESH!

in #philippines6 years ago (edited)

Hey Guys! I’m new here, spreading all the positive vibes in this community. Starting off, on how to start fresh since we welcomed 2018 a month ago. Better late than never, right?
A new year means a new start, if your previous year wasn’t productive enough then, this is the perfect year to start kicking off and make this whole year a lot more productive by keeping yourself in shape. Take my 6 tips for you guys to start FRESH!

1. Good Night’s Sleep

Set a curfew to give your body enough time to rest not just your body but your brain also is working while you are sleeping. It has some major health benefits to you, inside and out! Also, to avoid from waking up so late especially if you have class to attend and work to go to in the morning. Rushing to go out can lead to stress and it is not good to our body.

2. Establish a Morning Routine

Establishing a good morning routine is very helpful. Before heading out to school or work, make sure you have all the things you need to do and bring. Working out is a plus and you can incorporate it in your morning routine. You can do it in your own time like climbing up and down in your stairs, you don’t need to go to the gym to stay fit!

3. Stay Healthy

Go for greens! Eating vegies is really good to our body, it can fuel our body the right amount of numbers of vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Observe that if we eat unhealthy foods, we tend to feel bloated and tired, and that is a big NO, especially if we have a big day ahead. Munching on fruits and vegetables is a good way to stay healthy, remember that what you eat can reflect yourself physically, it can dictate how you feel. As much as you can, get rid of processed foods but it is not bad to go back and forth once in a while.

4. Take a break

Taking a break from your mobile phones and other devices for like one hour before going to bed can make your sleeping cycle better. Give yourself a time to wind down, forget all the drama that social media had given you. The more you update, the less sleep you get!

5. Indulge Yourself

If you have a busy week or month or a tough day, it’s about time to indulge yourself every once in a while, for all the hard works you’ve done. You can do shopping, playing, going to spa, getting a massage and etc. to reward yourself. By this, you can be more driven in all your work and set more goals!

6. Drink WATER

The last but not the least is to drink plenty of water. Philippines is a very humid country, to avoid dehydration, taking at least 8 glasses of water is very beneficiary. It applies to anyone whether you are living in a humid country or not. Keeping you body free from toxins can make you feel lighter and look healthier!

Hope you guys learn and take my one or two tips to start your year fresh!

Source Pic: @google


ari ko bilib ako e resteem haha para nays

hahahahaha upvote lang sapat na! :D

way karga hahaha dzae awa ang value

Upvoted @nepsnep. Welcome kabayan. Pag-intro na uyh haha

puhon hehehe

Sounds great! Does this work for you? Every morning the same routine? What is you morning routine? Let u's know!

Yes @artbylaurajansen! It worked for me. I always make sure that i drink a lot of water every morning before i get thirsty. It is good for the body. Despite of my busy schedule because i'm in senior college i do take some time to build a morning or evening routine. Hope you can find your best routine too! :)

Great! Yeah mine Will be...#butfirstcoffee ;)

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