A Hidden Gem in Lambug Badian Philippines

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)

17553920_10208519798414904_393268547442765152_n.jpgCebu is known as a tropical paradise. Aside from its historical architectures and boosting nightlife Cebu has a lot more to offer outside its metropolis. An estimated distance of 101 km and roughly 3 hours from the city is a hidden gem that can ease your chaotic life.

When locals usually hear the word "Badian" they associate it with the very famous kawasan falls. But there is more beauty to it than the falls itself. Lambug Beach is a public beach 30 minutes from the center of Badian. A pristine and very tranquil place to relax. The sand is as fine as sugar and the water is very clear and clean. The place is not too mainstream and overcrowded so you can enjoy yourself without dealing with much havoc from the tourists and other local people.

Jen ,@ninyea, @maimaimaichan, and I decided to take a break from our jobs and had an overnight stay in such place. We brought a tent and a butane with us along with some utensils and cooking tools. We rode a bus for a 130 peso fare and arrived around 6 pm, we stopped at the market and rode a tricycle to Lambug and payed 150 pesos for the 4 of us.
The resort asked for an entrance fee of 10 pesos and looked for a place to assemble our tent. While assembling the tent the other two cooked and prepared for our dinner because we were famished from the long hours of travel .

This is us at night, we were the only people staying at the place, it's scary but thrilling.

We had this devious thought to tick off one of our bucketlists, know what? To go SKINNY DIPPING! It was so exciting and nerve wracking swimming in a public beach naked! We were enjoying the water when a group of guys stopped next to our tent, we hurriedly put on our clothes and went back to our spot.

We had a plan to witness the sun rise but guess we were exhausted to wake up early morning. We went up by 9 am, cooked canned goods and noodles. We took pictures and basked ourselves under the heat of the sun. The blue water never disappoint us as we soaked and swam with it.


After noon we started to rinse and packed up. It was a laid back yet relaxing experience to go camping with my girlfriends. Our total expenses was around 700-800 pesos. We arrived home by 8pm tired but refreshed!


I know that beach! It is really really beautiful indeed :) I stayed there as well for 3 nights with friends, it was amazing!
Unfortunately we didn't try skinny dipping haha but for sure the next time!:D

Realyl beautiful and cheap. Next time try skinny dippimg! It was soo fun. Haha

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