Why I enjoy karaoke even if I croak like a toad

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)


The great Martin Luther once said :as long as we live there is never enough singing and I trust him on that as he had revolutionzed the idea of freedom and equality like no other in his time


To those who knew me they know I love going to karaoke bar like most Filipinos yet ironically I don't have the voice for it.I go for the companionship, the opportunity to laugh at others performance ,to be in a melodramatic mood when the heartbreak songs are in the playlist or simply to familiarize myself what's hot or not in the music world so I can feign I am from the younger generation. I am sure others do it to relieve stress or simply to exercise those pair of lungs or few others to show off their musical prowess. Whatever it is singing has that plus factor that often it is selected to be a venue for almost all celebrations.


In the Philippines karaoke sessions can be done three ways -one at the comfort of your home with the neighbours joining in or filing a complaint against you for public disturbance when the playlist don't stop even at dawn. Two, would be in drinking establishments with public audience to cheer you on.Lastly but not the least those private cubicles where it's sound proof and you're drinking or eating the consumables like what we had here


The spirit from these drink are supposed to give you the confidence booster. But I realized if you don't know how to sing you can do few steps to assure that " you're an excellent singer "remark will be yours at the end of the tune. One ,you can sing so loudly with interpretative dancing or choose songs that are too funny or too sad or to popular to get the recognition from your audience. Bottom line, just enjoy the singing even if you croak like toad like me.


Few insiders tips. One,eat full meal before going there as consumables are pricey if not just so so tasting. Two ,be ready with a playlist as one pays per hour corkage. Third, update yourself the happy hour rate of promos to save our that hard earned penny. Four, I know those with heartaches go there to express the gnawing emotions within but don't drink yourself there not only because drinks are pricey but more because you spoil the idea that karaoke time is fun. No fun seeing another vomit when you just go through the entrance. Finally it's a bad idea to drag a killjoy or non karaoke enthusiast .As they say it best "you can lead a horse to the river but never will you make him drink" So if that someone detest karaoke as they're noisy just take a rain check until he himself needs one.


@ originalworks

Now, I am hungry !

Hell yes ! I love singing, my voice is pretty heavy though 😂